Descriptive Set Theory And Forcing: How To Prove Theorems About Borel Sets The Hard Way

E-Book Overview

An advanced graduate course. Some knowledge of forcing is assumed, and some elementary Mathematical Logic, e.g. the Lowenheim-Skolem Theorem. A student with one semester of mathematical logic and 1 of set theory should be prepared to read these notes. The first half deals with the general area of Borel hierarchies. What are the possible lengths of a Borel hierarchy in a separable metric space? Lebesgue showed that in an uncountable complete separable metric space the Borel hierarchy has uncountably many distinct levels, but for incomplete spaces the answer is independent. The second half includes Harrington's Theorem - it is consistent to have sets on the second level of the projective hierarchy of arbitrary size less than the continuum and a proof and appl- ications of Louveau's Theorem on hyperprojective parameters.

E-Book Content

Lecture Notes in Logic Arnold W. Miller Descriptive Set Theory and Forcing Springer Editorial Policy §1. Submissions are invited in the following categories: i) ii) iii) iv) Research monographs Lecture and seminar notes Reports of meetings Texts which are out of print. Those considering a project which might be suitable for the series are strongly advised to contact the publisher or the series editors at an early stage. §2. Categories i) and ii). These categories will be emphasized by Lecture Notes in Logic and are normally reserved for works written by one or two authors. The goal is to report new developments - quickly, informally, and in a way that will make them accessible to nonspecialists. In the evaluation of submissions timeliness of the work is an important criterion. Texts should be well-rounded and reasonably self-contained. In most cases the work will contain results of others as well as those of the authors. In each case the author(s) should provide sufficient motivation, examples, and applications. In this respect, articles intended for a journal and Ph.D. theses will usually be deemed unsuitable for the Lecture Notes series. Proposals for volumes in this category should be submitted (preferably in duplicate) either to one of the series editors or to Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, and will be refereed. A provisional judgment on the acceptability of a project can be based on partial information about the work: a detailed outline describing the contents of each chapter, the estimated length, a bibliography, and one or two sample chapters - or a first draft. A final decision whether to accept will rest on an evaluation of the completed work which should include - at least 100 pages of text; - a table of contents; - an informative introduction perhaps with some historical remarks which should be accessible to readers unfamiliar with the topic treated; - a subject index. §3. Category iii). Reports of meetings will be considered for publication provided that they are both of exceptional interest and devoted to a single topic. In exceptional cases some other multi-authored volumes may be considered in this category. One (or more) expert participants will act as the scientific editor(s) of the volume. They select the papers which are suitable for inclusion and have them individually refereed as for a journal. Papers not closely related to the central topic are to be excluded. Organizers should contact Lecture Notes in Logic at the planning stage. §4. Category iv). This category provides an avenue whereby books which have gone out of print but which are still in demand can be made available to the new generations of logicians. §5. Format. Works in English are preferred. They should be submitted in camera-ready form according to Springer-Verlag's specifications. Technical instructions and/or TeX macros will be sent on request. Lecture Notes in Logic Editors: S. Buss, San Diego J.-Y. Girard, Marseille A. Lachlan, Burnaby T. Slaman, Chicago
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