
E-Book Content

Part I Molecular Components of Cells C HAPTER 1 Chemistry Is the Logic of Biological Phenomena C HAPTER 2 Water, pH, and Ionic Equilibria C HAPTER 3 Thermodynamics of Biological Systems C HAPTER 4 Amino Acids C HAPTER 5 Proteins: Their Biological Functions and Primary Structure APPENDIX TO CHAPTER 5 Protein Techniques C HAPTER 6 Proteins: Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Structure C HAPTER 7 Carbohydrates C HAPTER 8 Lipids All life depends on water; all organisms are aqueous chemical systems. (Waves in Oahu, Hawaii, Brad Lewis/Liaison International) C HAPTER 9 Membranes and Cell Surfaces C HAPTER 10 Membrane Transport C HAPTER 11 Nucleotides C HAPTER 12 Nucleic Acids C HAPTER 13 Recombinant DNA “ . . . everything that living things do can be understood in terms of the jigglings and wigglings of atoms.” RICHARD P. FEYNMAN Lectures on Physics Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1963 C hapter 1 Chemistry Is the Logic of Biological Phenomena OUTLINE 1.1 ● Distinctive Properties of Living Systems 1.2 ● Biomolecules: The Molecules of Life 1.3 ● A Biomolecular Hierarchy: Simple Molecules Are the Units for Building Complex Structures 1.4 ● Properties of Biomolecules Reflect Their Fitness to the Living Condition 1.5 ● Organization and Structure of Cells 1.6 ● Viruses Are Supramolecular Assemblies Acting as Cell Parasites “Swamp Animals and Birds on the River Gambia,” c. 1912 by Harry Hamilton Johnston (1858–1927). (Royal Geographical Society, London/The Bridgeman Art Library.) M 2 olecules are lifeless. Yet, in appropriate complexity and number, molecules compose living things. These living systems are distinct from the inanimate world because they
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