E-Book Overview
I found this book to be a great help for myself as a layperson who prepares sermons for a jail ministry. A great insight and practical know-how on sermon preparation and also how to prepare the man himself. Most of what goes on today in the church would not pass the bar in his view and he gives solid reasons for his position. Time well spent in reading this book, a must for all in the ministry or considering even a small group. The good preachers held to some basic principles and this book tells how and why. Dave Anderson, Mesa, AZ.
E-Book Content
13th printing
Preaching & Preachers by D.
Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones has been described as "th e last of th e pr eachers." Although he would strongly refute th e stateme nt, no preacher in Britain consistently attracts such large congregations or is held in higher esteem. "W hy am I prepared to speak , and to lecture on preaching? There are a number of reasons," writes the author. "It has been my life's work. I have been forty-two years in the Mini stry, and the main part of my work has been pr eaching; not exclusively, but th e main part of it has been preach-ing. In addition it is something that I ha ve been constantly study ing . I am conscious of my inad equacies and my failures as I ha ve been tryin g to preach for all th ese years; and that ha s led inevitably to a good deal of study and of discussion and of gene ral interest in th e whole matter. But, ultima tely, my reason is th at to me th e work of preaching is th e highest an d th e greates t and th e most glorious calling to which any one can eve r b e called. If you want something in addition to that I would say without an y hesitation that th e most ur gent need in th e Christian Church is tru e preaching; and as it is the great est and th e most urgent need in th e Church, it is obviously th e grea tes t need of th e worl