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E-Book Content

Dublin Area byy Are Ar Area rea Most of the sights M htss in this th t guide lilie within the he threee main aareas of central Du ublin shown u below. Each of these areas has its ow below. below own o chapter. The sig sights slightly outside central Du si ublin are ub u covereed e in Further Afield, and the Bey eyyond y Dublin n cchapter describes places worth h visiting v that stilll llie within easy reach of the cit ity it ty. NORTH OF THE L ER RIV SOUTHWEST DUBLIN SSOUTHWEST DUBLII N Pages 52–65 FURTHER AFIELD BEYOND DUBLIN Pages 78–91 Pages 98–123 L LIFFEY NORTH OF THE LIFFEY Pages 66–77 Y FE LIF SO OUTHEAST D O DUBLIN SOUTHEAST DUBLIN Pages 32–51 0 kilom om m metres 0 miilles le 100 100 This page intentionally left blank EYEWITNESS TRAVEL dublin EYEWITNESS TRAVEL dublin Main Contributor: Tim Perry PROJECT EDITOR Claire Folkard ART EDITOR Jo Doran EDITOR Freddy Hamilton DESIGNERS Paul Jackson, Nicola Rodway DTP DESIGNERS Samantha Borland, Lee Redmond, Rachel Symons PICTURE RESEARCH Victoria Peel PHOTOGRAPHERS Joe Cornish, Tim Daly, Magnus Rew, Antony Souter, Alan Williams ILLUSTRATORS Stephen Conlin, Gary Cross, Claire Littlejohn, Maltings Partnership, Robbie Polley, John Woodcock Façade of St Teresa’s Church Reproduced in Singapore by Colourscan Printed and bound by South China Printing Co. Ltd, China CONTENTS First American Edition, 1999 08 09 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 INTRODUCING DUBLIN Reprinted with revisions 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008 Published in the United States b