Passion Play

E-Book Overview

When great actor and Redemption government spokesperson Jonathan Mask is found electrocuted, police hire free-lance hunter and shapeshifter Diane Fletcher to track the killer. Reprint.

E-Book Content

ISBN D - i 4 m - b 5 2 m - "THE BEST PIECE OF CANADIAN SF SINCE THE HANDMAID'S TALE... It establishes Stewart beyond a doubt as a writer to watch." —Horizons SF PASSION PLAY THE A W A R D - W I N N I N G DEBUT BY S E A N NOVEL STEWART "EXCITING, TENSE . . . A MORAL TALE A N D A THRILLER AT THE SAME TIME." —Edmonton Journal "THIS CYBERPUNK SAGA OF A LADY P.I. . . . IN A NOT-SO-DISTANT FUTURE IS, QUITE SIMPLY, TERRIFIC . . . The story isn't the usual rant against religion. This is a much more textured, much deeper tale of temptation and death . . . Faust as a whodunit. But it's Diane Fletcher, snarling off the page, who makes the story click." —Toronto Globe and Mail "THE BOOK'S INNER LIFE IS SUPPLE A N D VIBRANT . . . Stewart's political sophisti­ cation is matched by an equally subtle appreciation of character . . . Passion Play's prose style is particularly impressive . . . a happy balance between the lean and the poetic." —Vancouver Sun "A TERRIFIC NOVEL by an author whose talent is both obvious and subtle, a story that engages the imagination and, even better, leaves echoes that linger after the book has been shelved . . . A NEW VOICE AS DISTINCTIVE AS ANY IN SF." —Robert Charles Wilson PLQU SERN ACE BOOKS, NEW YORK If you purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as "unsold and destroyed" to the publisher, and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this "stripped book." This Ace Book contains the complete text of the original hardcover edition. It has been completely reset in a typeface designed for easy reading