Terrorism And The Politics Of Fear

E-Book Overview

Terrorism and the Politics of Fear shows how the mass media and propaganda about fear of crime and terrorism contribute to social policies that promote social control and threaten civil liberties. This excellent treatment of a timely subject will be indispensable to teachers and students of sociology, media, politics, and criminology studies.

E-Book Content

Trim 1/2 in off the top of all covers Front edge of spine------- ----8.875in from the front edge of the paper. “Terrorism and the Politics of Fear is the most important study of this issue written so far. David Altheide takes apart the rhetoric to show us how the politics of fear is constructed. If you want to understand the construction of fear, this is the place to start.” —Frank Furedi, University of Kent at Canterbury, School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research “Terrorism and the Politics of Fear is a response to the political use of ‘fear symbols’ that has reached unmatched levels in the twenty-first century. In this highly recommended book, David Altheide explores the military–media complex and continues his study of the social construction of ‘fear’ and its use to steer public and foreign policy. . . . He compellingly argues that crime prevention projects and antiterrorism efforts pushed through on a wave of manipulated social fear have become broad social control systems that don’t necessarily make us safer but invariably make us less free. His detailing of how surveillance systems of varied ilk monitor citizens more but prevent crime less demonstrates the danger of crime prevention morphing into citizen micromanagement and social regulation that is divorced from real security concerns. He deftly tracks how inordinate fear in a society translates into a glib surrendering of civil liberties and privacy. This book should be read by anyone who is concerned for both their security and their liberty.” —Raymond Surette, University of Central Florida; author of Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice “Be afraid. Be very afraid, of our own leaders and media. David Altheide presents a chilling account of ways in which fear has been used to change the American political landscape. This book brings new meaning to the idea that we have nothing to fear but fear itself.” —Lance Bennett, University of Washington TERRORISM AND THE POLITICS OF “This important book demonstrates how politicians and other decision makers are using the fear of terrorism to extend and intensify social control well beyond the threat of terrorism. It brilliantly shows that mass media formats and the logics of fear fundamentally shape how people think about security and lead them to engage in new forms of self-regulation. We are all now governed through fear.” —Richard V. Ericson, director, Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto ALTHEIDE MASS MEDIA | POLITICS DAVID L. ALTHEIDE is Regents’ Professor in the School of Justice and Social Inquiry at Arizona State University, where he has taught for over thirty years. For orders and information please contact the publisher ISBN 978-0-7591-0919-3 A Division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 1-800-462-6420 www.altamirapress.com Cover design by ALLISON NEALON *Small covers trim to (14.625 x 9.4) *Large covers trim to (18.875 x 11.4) Trim small here ----- DAVID L. ALTHEIDE TERRORISM AND THE POLITICS OF Trim large here --- Terrorism and the Politics of Fear E Terrorism and the Politics of Fear E David L. Altheide A Division of ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD PUBLISHERS, INC. Lanham • New York • Toronto • Oxford ALTAMIRA PRESS A Division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. A wholly owned subsidiary of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Su
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