Religious Education 7-11: Developing Primary Teaching Skills

E-Book Overview

The place of religious education in the elementary curriculum is an ambiguous one for many teachers. Using a mixture of theory and practical ideas, this book will help all elementary teachers, whether specialists or not, to deliver effective religious education. Terence Copley clarifies the legal framework, discusses problem areas like the withdrawal of children from the subject and examines key principles and concepts involved in teaching the main areas of religious education. He also looks at practical issues of classroom organization and at how religious education can be integrated into topic work but should also remain a subject in its own right.

E-Book Content

Religious education 7–11 The place of religious education in the primary curriculum is an ambiguous one for many teachers. Terence Copley, well known for his many publications in the RE field, here clarifies the legal framework, including problem areas like the withdrawal of children from the subject. He looks at the key principles and concepts involved in teaching the main areas of religious education—world faiths, Christianity, education for spiritual development and so on—and also at practical issues of classroom organisation, for instance how to obtain artefacts and how to prepare for visits to places of worship. The book contains work on teacher competencies to enable teachers to monitor their own performance and hints on how RE work can fulfil curriculum requirements in other subjects. Terence Copley is currently senior lecturer in RE at the School of Education, Exeter University. Curriculum in primary practice series General editor: Clive Carré The Curriculum in primary practice series is aimed at students and qualified teachers looking to improve their practice within the context of the National Curriculum. The large format, easy to use texts are interactive, encouraging teacher
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