Conversion Of A Continent: Contemporary Religious Change In Latin America

E-Book Overview

Forty years ago Latin America was almost uniformly Catholic, but religious pluralism has fundamentally altered the social and religious landscape of the region. This welcome and well-edited volume transcends the usual focus on individuals who switch from Catholicism to Protestantism to consider conversions to other religions like Mormonism, Seventh Day Adventism, Afro-Brazilian cults, and indigenous religious movements. Steingenga and Cleary emphasize that African Diaspora religions are among the fastest growing in the region, while historic Protestant groups (like the Methodists and Presbyterians) are losing members. The chapters in this volume cogently chart dramatic changes in the region and attempt to establish dialogue between North American, European, and Latin American scholars. Earlier models of conversion were developed mainly for use in the United States and Europe. Contributors to this volume propose new models for the analysis of conversion. Notably, contributors introduce notions concerning minimal as opposed to radical conversion arguing that conversion should be seen as a process rather than a single event. In chapter six, Patricia Birman deftly outlines key factors driving neo-Pentecostal conversion in Brazil, and, in chapter seven, Maria Julia Carozzi convincingly underscores the role of personal narratives in the study of conversion to Umbanda and Candomble. Chapter nine by Rachel Corr addresses the recent growth of indigenous movements in Ecuador, while Christine Kovic's chapter deals with conversion from traditional Catholicism to "Word of God" Catholicism in Chiapas, Mexico. Kovic's chapter is outstanding. Recommended. .

E-Book Content

Conversion of a Continent VVVVVVVVVVV Conversion of a Continent Contemporary Religious Change in Latin America EDITED BY T I MOT H Y J. S T E I G ENG A A N D E D WA R D L . C L E A R Y VVVVVVVVVVV RUTGER S UNI V ER SIT Y PR ESS NE W BRUNSW ICK, NE W JER SE Y, A ND LONDON LIBR A RY OF CONGR ESS C ATA LOGING-IN-PUBLIC AT ION DATA Conversion of a continent : contemporary religious change in Latin America / edited by Timothy J. Steigenga and Edward L. Cleary. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8135-4201-0 (hardcover : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-0-8135-4202-7 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Latin America--Religion. Timothy J., 1965– BL2540.C67 2. Conversion--Latin America. I. Steigenga, II. Cleary, Edward L. 2007 204'.2--dc22 2007006032 CIP A British Cataloging-in-Publication record for this book is available from the British Library. This collection copyright © 2007 by Rutgers, The State University Individual chapters copyright © 2007 in the names of their authors All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. Please contact Rutgers University Press, 100 Joyce Kilmer Avenue, Piscataway, NJ 08854–8099. The only exception to this prohibition is “fair use” as defined by U.S. copyright law. Visit our Web site: Manufactured in the United States of America CONTENTS Acknowledgments vii PART ONE Approaches to Conversion 1 Understanding Conversion in the Americas 3 TIMOTH Y J. STEIGENGA AND EDWA R D L . CLEA RY 2 Analyzing Conversion in Latin America: Theoretical Questions, Methodological Dilemmas, and Comparative Data from Argentina and Brazil 33 A LEJANDRO FR IGER IO 3 Conversion Careers in Latin America: Entering and Leaving Church among Pentecostals, Catholics, and Mormons
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