Using Options To Buy Stocks: Build Wealth With Little Risk And No Capital

E-Book Overview

In his book, Dennis Eisen describes exactly one way to trade options: Selling Puts, namely LEAPS (Long-term Equity Anticipation Securities). What makes this book so interesting to read is that Eisen starts with a general overview and then goes into a level of useful detail which I have not seen in any other book on options yet. He explains how options are taxed, how the margin requirement is calculated, and what actually happens when options are exercised/assigned. This knowledge you normally have to acquire in years of practice but Eisen just spreads it out in front of the reader. Despite the level of detail the book is easy to follow, and I finished it in two days. What makes the author very likable is that he writes in the "I" form, i.e. he writes from his experience, and not with the claim to know the absolute truth. The book is divided in three main parts: Part one covers the basics, part two takes a quantitative look at the risk and reward of an actual system, and how you can improve your odds, and part three lists formulas and computer codes. There is also a big appendix with over a hundred tables of put premiums calculated with the Black-Scholes-Formula. The book is rounded off by a bibliography and Eisen's favorite web sites (some of them are outdated). The main reason why Eisen prefers long-term puts (and long-term meaning up to 30 months) is that they are less risky. Due to inflation and the fact that good companies increase their earnings over time thus driving their share price up, he feels that long-term options are less likely to be assigned. For this, he is willing to sacrifice quite some put premium as the following example shows: For an American Option (stock price = strike price, volatility 0.3, dividend rate 3%) the premium for a 15 months-put is $11.46 yet for the 30 months-put it is only $15.06. In other words, although the time is twice as long until expiration, the premium increases by only
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