Glassfish Administration

E-Book Overview

Let's start from what I expected of the book. I'm JEE application developer who had some experience with two different JEE application server products. I always got to know different administrating tasks as I needed them. First my colleagues showed me how to handle very basic tasks so I could test my code and further explore administration console on my own. Then as I needed features like application security, access control, shared code, details about particular resource configuration I searched for solutions and tutorials on the web. Finally I decided that I should learn what is there readily available for me and what are the concepts behind it. That is why I decided to read this book. Unfortunately, the book wasn't the answer. I wish I had it two years ago as I started my adventure with JEE. It is a set of basic step-by-step tutorials concerning main aspects of JEE server administration. The book assumes no prior knowledge of the topic. I would recommend it to a newbie in the area who has to or wants to tackle JEE server by himself. It can serve as a set of tutorials (colleague) that will help you to install GlassFish, show where to find administrative tools, help you navigate administration console, teach basic administration tasks and get you started. What I liked about the book was that it starts with a chapter on server architecture before introducing any task and that every chapter starts with some kind of a architecture, problem, concepts overview with a diagram if possible. The explanations are very concise. If you didn't know anything about security, container architecture, messaging systems etc. you probably won't be an expert after reading two pages with basic definitions or big-picture components communication diagram but it will give you context to help you understand why does a particular task involve this many steps and why these steps are needed. Another thing I liked was that there was full command-
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