Xml Pocket Reference

E-Book Overview

This book is small and travels well. It does not have an index, which seems odd for a reference text, but it does have a table of contents. I find Essential XML Quick Reference (ISBN 0-201-74095-8) to be well worth the additional investment.

E-Book Content

XML Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition Robert Eckstein & Michel Casabianca Second Edition April 2001 ISBN: 0596001339 XML, the Extensible Markup Language, is the next-generation markup language for the Web. It provides a more structured (and therefore more powerful) medium than HTML, allowing you to define new document types and stylesheets as needed. Although the generic tags of HTML are sufficient for everyday text, XML gives you a way to add rich, well-defined markup to electronic documents. The XML Pocket Reference is both a handy introduction to XML terminology and syntax, and a quick reference to XML instructions, attributes, entities, and datatypes. Although XML itself is complex, its basic concepts are simple. This small book combines a perfect tutorial for learning the basics of XML with a reference to the XML and XSL specifications. The new edition introduces information on XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) and Xpath. Contents 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 XML Terminology 2 1.3 XML Reference 9 1.4 Entity and Character References 15 1.5 Document Type Definitions 16 1.6 The Extensible Stylesheet Language 26 1.7 XSLT Stylesheet Structure 27 1.8 Templates and Patterns 28 1.9 XSLT Elements 33 1.10 XPath 50 1.11 XPointer and XLink 58 XML Pocket Reference, 2nd edition 1.1 Introduction The Exte
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