Meet The Masters

E-Book Content

MEET THE MASTERS BOOKS PITD|AN THE MODNRN CHESS CHAMPIONS AND THEIR MOST CHARACTERISTICGAMES Ior PLAYDRS CNNSS WITH ANNOTATIONS AND BIOGRAPHIES BY CHESS 43. net By C. H, O'D. ALE)NDiR. DR.MAX EUWE CHESS MASTERY BY qUESTION AND ANSWER END.GAME PRACTICAL By FED TII-ANSL{TED 5s. ner' By IR.D ItnNED, RINFELD. TROM T PLAY THI] DUTCH BY DD T]\TA 53. nd. CIIESS FOR AMATEI'RS R I{ WO OT) MSe By FED RETMETD, 5s, net. ONE IIUNDNXD Ey !. W!I{[email protected], t:Jd,,ni GEMS OF TIIE By P, WNm- IIFTY CHESS GEMS Crantkn as, 6d. ftr- SECOND EDITION CHESS BOARD ts.6d. n.t, TWO-MO\ZE PROBLEMS Ry P. WEM, !.. 3d. net. LONDON S t R ISAAC PITMAN & SONS, LTD. PREFACE sli IsaAc PTTIAN & so\s lc^NrDi), LrD D61G':,6) "Zoo Schaken Zrj" ("They Ts$ is a translation of play chesslike this") in which Dr. Euwe introduced the Dutch chess-playingpublic to the seven grand masters who were to paticipate with him in thc lamous A.V.R.O. toumament. From the first we tried to ke€p close to his text, becauseit is so highly personal. Fate helped by losing our MS., wh:th wal addrF,sedLo us in BuenosAires (where we were playing in the Intemational Team Tournament) a few days before war broke out and has never been seen since. In correcting the proofs, we had consequentlv to refer back to the Dutch Herr Hans Kmoch rounded otr "Zoo Schaken Zij" with a few paragraphs about Dr. Buwe himselt and this part ofthe book we have completelyrewritten and greatly ext
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