Photographic Lighting Essential Skills

E-Book Overview

Из данной книги читатель узнает, как делать качественные цифровые фотографии, научится выбирать камеру и получать с её помощью портреты людей, проводить съемку спортивных мероприятий. Он научится фотографировать удаленные объекты с помощью длиннофокусных объективов, а также освоит съемку мелких предметов крупным планом (макросъемку). Книга предназначена как для начинающего, так и для опытного фотографа, в том числе имевшего опыт съемок обычным пленочным фотоаппаратом. Все они найдут в этой книге для себя много нового. В книге рассказано о создании цифровых фотографий не только с помощью цифровой камеры, но и с использованием сканера.

E-Book Content

photographic lighting This page intentionally left blank essential skills photographic lighting fourth edition john child mark galer $067(5'$0‡%26721‡+(,'(/%(5*‡/21'21‡1(: This page intentionally left blank Introduction Lighting is the essential skill in photography. From the captured image of a fleeting moment using existing light to the highly structured and preconceived advertising image using introduced lighting. To understand and improve these skills this book deals with working on location, primarily using the existing light source, and in the studio using artificial light sources. The information, activities and assignments provide the essential techniques for creative and competent photography. The study guides offer a comprehensive and highly structured learning approach, giving both support and guidance in a logical and sequential manner. Basic theoretical information is included with an emphasis on practical advice that will maximize the opportunities for creative photography. Rodrick Bond Acquisition of technique This book is designed to help you learn the technical and creative aspects of photography. The initial chapters provide the framework for the assignment briefs; the other chapters will help you acquire the skills required to confidently undertake a broad range of lighting situations. Terminology is kept as simple as possible using only those terms in common usage. Emphasis has been placed upon a practical approach to the subject and the application of the essential skills. Application of technique The book concludes with several chapters devoted to the practical application of the skills acquired. Assignments can be undertaken allowing the photographer to express themselves and their ideas through the appropriate application of design and technique. This book offers a structured learning approach that will give the photographer a framework and solid foundation for working independently and confidently in a studio or on location. The essential skills The essential skills required to become a professional photographer take time and motivation. Skills should be practised repeatedly so they become practical working knowledge rather than basic understanding. Practice the skills obtained in one chapter and apply them to each of the following activities or assignments. Eventually the technical and creative skills can be applied intuitively or instinctively and you will be able to communicate with clarity and creativity. essential skills: photographic lighting Process and progress This book is intended as an introduction to location and studio photography. The emphasis has been placed upon a practical approach to the application of essential skills. The activities and assignments cover a broad range and it is possible to achieve acceptable results withou