Thank God For Evolution!: How The Marriage Of Science And Religion Will Transform Your Life And Our World

E-Book Overview

Finally, the war between science and religion is over. The winner? All of us. With supporters from an incredibly wide spectrum of backgrounds and beliefs, including five Nobel laureates, Thank God for Evolution! builds bridges, provides guidance, and restores realistic hope for humanity and the body of life as a whole.

A movement has been growing over the past few decades that takes our common creation story -- the epic of cosmic, biological, and human evolution revealed by science -- as the basis for a meaningful view of our place in the universe. Reverend Michael Dowd, America's evolutionary evangelist, is at the forefront of this movement. This well informed, thoroughly researched, and inspired book proclaims a gospel billions of years old.

Thank God for Evolution! presents in a lively and accessible manner the reasons why it is now possible to view evolution as a divine process; how current science shows that evolution is not meaningless blind chance; practical methods for using evolutionary insights to achieve greater personal fulfillment and thriving relationships; and how aligning with evolutionary trends can guide activists and others hoping to make our world a better place. As a Christian minister, Dowd especially addresses the concerns that Christians have about evolution, but this book contains insights that will appeal to people of all faiths and of no faith. Fun and uplifting, Thank God for Evolution! goes beyond the current debate to offer up a whole new way of thinking about science, religion, and the meaning and purpose of our lives.

E-Book Content

Celebrated by Nobel Laureates “The science vs. religion debate is over! Michael Dowd masterfully unites rationality and spirituality in a worldview that celebrates the mysteries of existence and inspires each human being to achieve a higher purpose in life. A must read all, including scientists.” — Craig Mello, 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine “The universe took 13.7 billion years to produce this amazing book. I heartily recommend it. I am often asked how science and religion can co-exist. This is a wonderful answer.” — John Mather, NASA Chief Scientist, 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics “If anyone can persuade a monotheist that the science of evolution—biological, geo­logi­cal, or cosmological—can enrich his or her faith, I’m betting on Michael Dowd.” — Thomas C. Schelling, 2005 Nobel Prize in Economics “Honest students of God should welcome the revelations of science as insights, not fear them as threats. Here is a book in that spirit by an ardent believer, who takes evolution to heart, and celebrates it.” — Frank Wilczek, 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics “At last someone who understands that all of reality is sacred and science is our method of comprehending it.” — Lee Hartwell, 2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine Embraced by Religious, Scientific, and Cultural Leaders Complete versions can be found at “Michael’s book—a sacred look at cosmic history and emergent creativity from multiple angles —will ignite a revolution in evolution for any reader. Here is a book that promises to deliver and delivers on its promises!” — Rev. Howard Caesar, Senior Minister, Unity Church of Christianity, Houston “Dowd has given us a bridge across one of the major chasms of our times—religion and evolution. His passion for both science and religion is contagious. Reading his book, one can see that the discourse itself has just evolved to a whole new level!” — Rev. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister, All Souls Unitarian Church, Tulsa “With the passion of a revival preacher, and with grounding in mainstream evolution, Dowd has written a visionary book.” — Rev. Jim Burklo, Sausalito Presbyterian Church, founder of The Center for Progressive Christianity; author of Open Christianity “A gift to humanity and the Earth, especially at this critical point in
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