E-Book Overview
This book is about body outlaws, operating in the interzone between the cold seduction of the hysterical male and the beginning of that new horizon called "the last sex."
E-Book Content
The Last Sex feminism and outlaw bodies
CultureTexts Arthur and Marilouise Kroker
General Editors
CultureTexts is a series of creative explorations of the theory, politics and culture of postmodem society. Thematically focussed around kky theoretical debates in areas ranging from feminism and technology to,social and political thought CultureTexts books represent the forward breaking-edge of contempory theory and prac:tice.
Titles The Last Sex: Feminism and Outlnw Bodies edited and introduced by Arthur and Marilouise Kroker Spasm: Virtual
Reality, Android Music and Electric Flesh Arthur Kroker Seduction Jean Baudrillard Death cE.tthe Parasite Cafe Stephen Pfohl
The Possessed Individual:
Technology and the French Postmodern Arthur Kroker
The Postmodern Scene: Excremental Culture and Hyper-Aesthetics Arthur Kroker and David Cook The Hysterical Mule: New Feminist Theory edited and introduced by Arthur-and Marilouise Kroker Ideology and Power in the Age of Lenin in Ruins edited and introduced by Arthur and Marilouise Kroker
Panic Encyclopedia Maril.ouise Kroker and David Cook
Life After Postmodernism: Essays on Value and Culture edited and intloduced by John Fekete
edited and introduced
Body Invaders by Arthur and Marilouise
THE LAST SEX feminism and outlaw bodies
Edited with an introduction by Arthur and Marilouise Kroker
New World Perspectives CultureTexts Series Mont&al
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Published by CTHEORY BOOKS in partnership with NWP and copyright, © 2001, by CTHEORY BOOKS. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher, except for reading and browsing via the World Wide Web. Users are not permitted to mount this file on any network
@ Copyright 1993 New World CultureTexts Series
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may he reproduced, stored in o retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission of New World Perspectives.
New World Perspectives 3652 Avenue Lava1 Montreal, Canada H2X 3C9 ISBN O-920393-37-3 Published simultaneously in the U.S.A. by St. Martin’s Macmillan.
Canadian Main
in Publication
Press and in Britain
entry under tide:
The last sex : feminism
and outlaw bodies
(CultureTexts series) ISBN O-920393-37-3 1. Feminist theory. 2. Feminist criticism. 3. Postmodemism I. Kroker, Arthur, 1945 . II. Kroker, Marilouise, 1945 . III. Series. HQ119O.L38 Printed
and bound
305.42’01 in Canada.
Dedicated to resisters against the will to purity, the current manifestation of cultural fascism
The artist Elsbeth Rodger’s work is reproduced with the permission of the Diane Farris Gallery,Vancouver. Against Ordinary Language: The Language of the Body by Kathy Acker is reprinted by permission of the William Morris Agency, on behalf of the author 0 1992 by Kathy Acker. All Rights Reserved. Losing It by Shar Rednour. An earlier version appeared in On Our Backs, San Francisco. Disuppearing by Dianne Rothleder was first published in Philosophy Today. The Excess by Sue Golding will also be published iti the UK by Ne