The Academic's Guide To Publishing

E-Book Overview

<em>"...includes important points such as reading the proofs, preparing indexes...every researcher can find some useful information in this textbook." -PHOTOSYNTHETICAThis definitive guide to successfully publishing social science research demonstrates that completing a project is only the first phase of research. Dissemination is the second phase, and it requires specific skills and knowledge.

The Academics' Guide to Publishing : explains the different ways in which research can be disseminated: in journals, books, reports, the Internet, popular media, and conferences; demonstrates how the structures, practices and procedures involved work - making them easily understood and transparent; and situates research in the larger and changing context of Higher Education.

For postgraduates or academics in the social sciences The Academics' Guide to Publishing provides essential guidance on how to secure a job, how to gain tenure, how to survive research assessment exercises, and how to obtain promotion.

E-Book Content

Kitchin 2/3/05 1:39 pm Page i the academic’s guide to publishing Kitchin 2/3/05 1:39 pm Page ii Kitchin 2/3/05 1:39 pm Page iii the academic’s guide to publishing Rob Kitchin and Duncan Fuller SAGE Publications London ● Thousand Oaks ● New Delhi Kitchin 2/3/05 1:39 pm Page iv © Rob Kitchin and Duncan Fuller 2005 First published 2005 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or by any means, only with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of rep
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