Works Of Damiano Ruy Lopez Salbio

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• • 1 THE WORKS OF Bamtano, 9Ru^-Eope^ AND attno, ON THE G*AME OF CHESS; TRANSLATED AND ARRANGED : WITH REMARKS, OBSERVATIONS, AND COPIOUS NOTES ON THE GAMES. CONTAINING, ALSO, SEVERAL ORIGINAL GAMES AND SITUATIONS, BY THE EDITOR. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, The Elements of the Art of Playing without seeing the Board, Qui joue un coup en vain Perd an grand avantage, Joueur habile et sage Ne fait rien saus dessein. Distraits ne soient tes yeux Ni ta main trop ligdre. Un beau coup s'oiFre l faire, Vois s'il n'est rien de mieux. M. DE ST. CSSANS. By J. H. Sarratt, Author of a Treatise on Chess, &c, and Professor of the Game. JUttDOlti PRINTED FOR T. BOOSEY, No. 4, OLD BROAD STREET, ROYAL EXCHANGE. 1813. I '4 - TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE » The Lord Viscount Pollington, m.p. &c. &c. &c. THIS TREATISE IS INSCRIBED, AS A TOKEN OF RESPECT, *Y HIS OBLIGED AND OBEDIENT SERVANT, J. Cucen Street, Blootnsbury, April 1813. H. Sarratt. preface* IT may be proper for the Editor to the reasons which have induced him to state publish a translation of Damiano, Ruy-Lopez, and Salvio* The acknowledged excellence of these works has certainly operated as the principal inducement. The Editor has frequently and attentively played and examined all the games contained in those treatises, and he is strongly impressed with the belief that they are calculated to assist in a material degree unpractised players who — are to faci