Burger's Medicinal Chemistry And Drug Discovery, Autocoids, Diagnostics, And Drugs From New Biology (volume 4)

E-Book Overview

This is Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics, and Drugs from New Biology, of Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery, 6th Edition. This new volume contains critical new chapters on Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agents, Vitamins and SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Pharmacogenomics.

To purchase the entire 6 volume set, please refer to ISBN 0-471-37032-0.

E-Book Content

BURGER'S MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY AND DRUG DISCOVERY Sixth Edition Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics, and Drugs from New Biology Edited by Donald J. Abraham Department of Medicinal Chemistry School of Pharmacy Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia WILEYINTERSCIENCE A John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Publication BURGER MEMORIAL EDITION The Sixth Edition of Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery is being designated as a Memorial Edition. Professor Alfred Burger was born in Vienna, Austria on September 6, 1905 and died on December 30, 2000. Dr. Burger received his Ph.D. from the University of Vienna in 1928 and joined the Drug Addiction Laboratory in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Virginia in 1929. During his early years at UVA, he synthesized fragments of the morphine molecule in an attempt to find the analgesic pharmacophore. He joined the UVA chemistry faculty in 1938 and served the department until his retirement in 1970. The chemistry department at UVA became the major academic training ground for medicinal chemists because of Professor Burger. Dr. Burger's research focused on analgesics, antidepressants, and chemotherapeutic agents. He is one of the few academicians to have a drug, designed and synthesized in his laboratories, brought to market [Parnate, which is the brand name for tranylcypromine, a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor]. Dr. Burger was a visiting Professor at the University of Hawaii and lectured throughout the world. He founded the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry Research, and published the first major reference work "Medicinal Chemistry" in two volumes in 1951. His last published work, a book, was written at age 90 (Understanding Medications: What the Label Doesn't Tell You, June 1995). Dr. Burger received the Louis Pasteur Medal of the Pasteur Institute and the American Chemical Society Smissman Award. Dr. Burger played the violin and loved classical music. He was married for 65 years to Frances Page Burger, a genteel Virginia lady who always had a smile and an open house for the Professor's graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. vii PREFACE The Editors, Editorial Board Members, and John Wiley and Sons have worked for three and a half years to update the fifth edition of Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery. The sixth edition has several new and unique features. For the first time, there will be an online version of this major reference work. The online version will permit updating and easy access. For the first time, all volumes are structured entirely according to content and published simultaneously. Our intention was to provide a spectrum of fields that would provide new or experienced medicinal chemists, biologists, pharmacologists and molecular biologists entry to their subjects of interest as well as provide a current and global perspective of drug design, and drug development. Our hope was to make this edition of Burger the most comprehensive and useful published to date. To accomplish this goal, we expanded the content from 69 chapters (5 volumes) by approximately 50% (to over 100 chapters in 6 volumes). We are greatly in debt to the authors and editorial board members participating in this revision of the major reference work in our field. Several new subject areas have emerged since the fifth edition appeared. Proteomics, genomics, bioinf
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