Time-dependent Density Functional Theory

E-Book Overview

Time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) is based on a set of ideas and theorems quite distinct from those governing ground-state DFT, but emphasizing similar techniques. Today, the use of TDDFT is rapidly growing in many areas of physics, chemistry and materials sciences where direct solution of the Schrödinger equation is too demanding. This is the first comprehensive, textbook-style introduction to the relevant basics and techniques.

E-Book Content

1 Basics E.K.U. Gross and K. Burke 1.1 Introduction Suppose you are given some piece of matter, such as a molecule, cluster, or solid, and you have already solved the ground-state electronic problem highly accurately. You now ask, how can we best calculate the behavior of the electrons when some time-dependent perturbation, such as a laser field, is applied? The direct approach to this problem is to solve the time-dependent Schr¨ odinger equation. But this can be an even more demanding task than solving for the ground state, and becomes prohibitively expensive as the number of electrons grows, due to their Coulomb repulsion. We will show in this chapter that, under certain quite general conditions, there is a one-to-one correspondence between time-dependent one-body densities n(r, t) and time-dependent one-body potentials vext (r, t), for a given initial state. That is, a given evolution of the density can be generated by at most one time-dependent potential. This statement, first proven by Runge and Gross [Runge 1984] (RG), is the time-dependent analog of the celebrated Hohenberg-Kohn theorem [Hohenberg 1964]. Then one can define a fictitious system of noninteracting electrons moving in a time-dependent effective potential, whose density is precisely that of the real system. This effective potential is known as the time-dependent Kohn-Sham potential. Just as in ground-state density functional theory (DFT), it consists of an external part, the Hartree potential, and the exchange-correlation potential, vxc (r, t), which is a functional of the entire history of the density, n(r, t), the initial interacting wavefunction, Ψ (0), and the initial Kohn-Sham wavefunction, Φ(0). This functional is a very complex one, much more so than the ground-state case. Knowledge of it implies solution of all time-dependent Coulomb-interacting problems. In practice, we always need to approximate unknown functionals. An obvious and simple choice for TDDFT is the adiabatic local density approximation (ALDA), sometimes called time-dependent LDA, in which we use the ground-state potential of the uniform gas with that instantaneous and local ALDA unif [n](r, t) = vxc (n(r, t)). This gives us a working Kohndensity, i.e., vxc Sham scheme, just as in the ground state. We can then apply this DFT technology to every problem involving time-dependent electrons. These applications fall into three general categories: nonperturbative regimes, linear (and E.K.U. Gross and K. Burke: Basics, Lect. Notes Phys. 706, 1–17 (2006) c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006 DOI 10.1007/3-540-35426-3 1  2 E.K.U. Gross and K. Burke higher-order) response, and ground-state applications. The rapidly growing number of such applications, and the diversity of systems, ranging from chemistry to biology to materials science, forms the motivation for this book. The first of these applications involves atoms and molecules in strong laser fields [Marques 2004], in which the field is so intense that perturbation theory does not apply. In these situations, the perturbing electric field is comparable to or much greater than the static electric field due to the nuclei. Experimental aims would be to enhance, e.g., the 27th harmonic, i.e., the response of the system at 27 times the frequency of the perturbing electric field [Christov 1997], or to cause a specific chemical reaction to occur (quantum control) [Rice 200
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