Britain's Opium War Against The U.s. (major Expose Of Global Drug Trade)

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DOPE, INC. Britain's Opium War Against the U.S by a U.S. Labor Party Investigating Team directed by Konstandinos Kalimtgis David Goldman Jeffrey Steinberg Contents Dedication iii Acknowledgments v Introduction 1 Part I: History 7 Introduction 9 1. Britain's First Opium Wars 12 2. Palmerston's Fifth Column, USA 25 3. Britain's "Noble Experiment" 43 Part II: How the Drug Empire Works 57 Introduction 59 1. Banking and the World's Biggest Business 63 2. From Opium to Dirty Money 78 3. How the Drug Trade is Financed 83 4. Britain's Gold and Dirty Diamond Operations 92 5. Hong Kong: The World's Drug Capital 106 6. The Peking Connection 113 7. How the Royal Institute of International Affairs Runs Drugs and Dirty Money 139 8. Canada: North America's Hong Kong 160 9. All in the Family: The Real Syndicate 175 Part III: Organized Crime 261 Introduction 263 1. The Bronfman Gang 269 2. The Kennedys: Organized Crime in the Government 289 3. Britain's Assassination Bureau: Permindex 301 4. Permindex Unveiled: Resorts International Intertel 321 5. The Jacobs Family's Emprise: Sports and Crime 330 6. The Philadelphia Story 344 Dedication Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. New York City October 18,1978 It is with proper pride that we dedicate this book to the oftenunsung U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officers who have so often, so obscurely, died or languished in undeserved imprisonment in the silent war of the United States against the British monarchy's illegal drug traffic into our nation. This book is published with special thanks to those intelligence and law enforcement officials who have given us such extraordinary assistance in cross-checking facts in putting the story together. These have included officials not only in the USA, but our nation's French ally, and also patriots in Canada embittered against what the Bronfmans and others have done to their nation and our own. It is no exaggeration to sum up the situation thus: the only proper comparison for today's British drug traffic into the USA is the British monarchy's 19th century Opium Wars against China. There is more than a parallel. The same HongShang and other banking interests that developed their wealth in the China opium trade are involved in the financial side of the traffic against the USA — aided by those leading elements of the Zionist Lobby which have controlled organized crime in the USA and the Caribbean since the early 1920s. This is a calculated form of political warfare against the USA by the British monarchy. Not only are the London-centered Canadian, Hong Kong, Singapore, and British West Indies financial iniii terests involved in pulling tens of billions out of the USA — our biggest source of balance-of-payments losses — but this is a precalculated political warfare. The evil British intelligence executive — and head of the Aristotle Society — Bertrand Russell proposed this use of drugs as political subversion back during the 1920s. Among Russell's most prominent collaborators in this effort was Aldous Huxley, coordinator of the 1960s introduction of psychedelic substances to U.S. youth. The fight against illegal drugs and against the evil forces of "decriminalization" is nothing less than a war against Britain, to the purpose of saving our youth and our nation from the destruction the British monarchy has projected for us. iv Acknowledgments Dope, Inc. was commissioned in September 1978 by U.S. Labor Party National Chairman Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., and was produced under his direction. At that time the Labor Party launched an international campaign against organized crime and drug traffic. As LaRouche has pointed out numerous times in the pages of the Labor Party's newspaper, New Solidarity, the forces that run the drug trade are the same forces that are now unleashing every capability — includin
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