Cannibal Talk: The Man-eating Myth And Human Sacrifice In The South Seas

E-Book Overview

In this radical reexamination of the notion of cannibalism, Gananath Obeyesekere offers a fascinating and convincing argument that cannibalism is mostly "cannibal talk," a discourse on the Other engaged in by both indigenous peoples and colonial intruders that results in sometimes funny and sometimes deadly cultural misunderstandings. Turning his keen intelligence to Polynesian societies in the early periods of European contact and colonization, Obeyesekere deconstructs Western eyewitness accounts, carefully examining their origins and treating them as a species of fiction writing and seamen's yarns. Cannibalism is less a social or cultural fact than a mythic representation of European writing that reflects much more the realities of European societies and their fascination with the practice of cannibalism, he argues. And while very limited forms of cannibalism might have occurred in Polynesian societies, they were largely in connection with human sacrifice and carried out by a select community in well-defined sacramental rituals. Cannibal Talk considers how the colonial intrusion produced a complex self-fulfilling prophecy whereby the fantasy of cannibalism became a reality as natives on occasion began to eat both Europeans and their own enemies in acts of "conspicuous anthropophagy."

E-Book Content

TLFeBOOK CANNIBAL TALK 19 S 18 S 17 S 0 ROTUMA 177 E 12 30'S 20 40 60 km 178 E VITI LEVU 178E 178 E Rewa Verata Bua Bay Galoa Levuka Macuata VATOA KORO the fiji islands 179 E Kaba Point BAU Viwa Dreketi Vunirara VANUA LEVU OVALAU Bua Wailea (Naurore) Bay 179 E Udu Point 180 TAVEUNI Somosomo 180 179 W LAKEBA OGEA LEVU KOMO L AU G RO U P 179 W 19 S 18 S 17 S 0 AUSTRALIA 500 1000 km Norfolk Is. TASMANIA North Cape MURIMOTU TOKERAU (Doubtless Bay) Chatham Is. WHANGAROA Bay of Islands Kerikeri Waitangi HOKIANGA WHANGAREI Hauraki Gulf Kaipara Harbour WHITIANGA (Mercury Bay) Auckland Coromandel Peninsula Thame sR ik Wa oR at Kawhia TAURANGA . Bay of Plenty MAKETU r ive ANAURA NORTH ISLAND UAWA (Tolaga Bay) WHANGARA TURANGA-NUI (Poverty Bay) TARANAKI (Mount Egmont) TE MATAU-A-MAUI (Hawke’s Bay) Port Nicholson (Wellington) Kapiti Island Hutt River C oo TERAWHITI kS t trai Pallíser Bay Cape Pallíser 0 new zealand: north island 50 100 150 200 km Te Rarawa Nga Puhi N Ngati Whatua Waikato NORTH ISLAND Murderers Bay Queen Charlotte Sound (Totaranui) SOUTH ISLAND Akaroa W a it a ki R iv e r Dusky Sound 0 South Cape new zealand 50 100 150 200 km Gananath Obeyesekere . CANNIBAL TALK The Man-Eating Myth and Human Sacrifice in the South Seas University of California Press Berkeley Los Angeles London University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles, California University of California Press, Ltd. London, England © 2005 by The Regents of the University of California Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Obeyesekere, Gananath. Cannibal talk : the man-eating myth and
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