British Destroyers, 1892-1918

E-Book Overview

British Destroyers 1892-1918 КНИГИ ;ВОЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ Издательство: Osprey Publishing LtdСерия: New Vanguard 163Автор: Jim CrossleyЯзык: EnglishГод издания: 2009Количество страниц: 48ISBN: 9781846035142Формат: pdf Размер: 19,8 mbThis book recounts the history of the first destroyers of the Royal Navy, which revolutionized the way war was fought at sea with new armaments and a great improvement on earlier designs. Moreover, between 1892, when the first destroyers were laid down, and 1918, destroyers evolved radically from 27-knot, 250-ton ships into 35-knot, 1,530-ton ships. All these ships were involved in some form during World War I; the smaller, original destroyers in an auxiliary support role and the newer, larger destroyers at some of the greatest sea battles of the war. This account highlights the role the destroyers played in the North Sea during the crucial battles to control the Heliogoland Bight, as well as the major fleet action at the battle of Jutland in 1916. Complete with a detailed description of the technical evolution of each class of destroyer from the 27-knotters to the Tribal and Marksman classes, Jim Crossley offers a complete overview of the vessels that helped to maintain Britain’s naval supremacy. RAPIDили IFOLDER 0 1 2 3 4 5

E-Book Content

BRITISH DESTROYERS 1892-1918 ABOUT THE AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR JIM C R O S S L E Y is a leading authority on the destroyers of World War I. He has an understanding of the intricacies of naval design and is passionate about the history of these key vessels. He lives in Norfolk. PAUL W R I G H T has painted ships of all kinds for most of his career, specialising in steel and steam warships from the late 19th century to the present day. Paul's art has illustrated the works of Patrick O'Brien, Dudley Pope and C.S. Forester amongst others, and hangs in many corporate and private collections all over the
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