99 Examples Of Pneumatic Applications

E-Book Overview

Collections of examples have the advantage that the possible uses of components can be demonstrated in a clear way, together with constructive suggestions. Examples are shown in simplified form to allow the core of the solution to be seen as quickly as possible. The illustrations therefore look unnaturally “tidy” and the reader must imagine the presence of the cable loom and other signal and power lines. Many illustrations in this collection use the functional symbols of handling technology. This is intended to help the reader think in functions and to explain the solutions shown. For every function (symbol), there are a number of function providers. It is not always easy to find the right function provider (automation component).<span class="post-br">Справочник с 99 примерами принципиальных возможностей применения пневматических средств автоматизации и механизации производства. Предназначен для инженеров-практиков, рационализаторов и студентов технических вузов. Примеры представлены в виде принципиальных схем, кратких описаний и схем технологического процесса, перечня узлов и модулей, а также применяемых компонентов.


Contents<span class="post-br">1 Selection of automation components ........................................................................... 9 2 Examples of pneumatic applications ......................................................................... 13 Aligning 01, 02 .......................................................................... 15, 16 Assembly 03 to 08 .................................................................... 17 to 22 Bending 09 ...................................................................................... 23 Buffering 10 to 12 .................................................................... 24 to 26 Chamfering 13 ...................................................................................... 27 Clamping 14 to 18 .................................................................... 28 to 32 Conveying 19 to 21 .................................................................... 33 to 35 Cutting 22 ...................................................................................... 36 Deburring 23 ...................................................................................... 37 Deep drawing 24 ...................................................................................... 38 Destacking 25, 26 .......................................................................... 39, 40 Drilling 27 to 31 .................................................................... 41 to 45 Ejection 32, 33 .......................................................................... 46, 47 Extraction 34 ...................................................................................... 48 Feeding 35 to 45 .................................................................... 49 to 59 Forwarding 46 ...................................................................................... 60 Glueing 47 ...................................................................................... 61 Gripping 48 to 50 .................................................................... 62 to 64 Handling 51 to 53 .................................................................... 65 to 67 Hopper-feeding 54 ...................................................................................... 68 Indexing 55 ...................................................................................... 69 Insertion 56 ...................................................................................... 70 Lifting 57, 58 .......................................................................... 71, 72 Linking 59, 59a ........
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