Sadhana: A Way To God

E-Book Overview

Truly a one-of-a-kind, how-to-do-it book, this small volume responds to a very real hunger for self-awareness and holistic living. It consists of a series of spiritual exercises for entering the contemplative state -- blending psychology, spiritual therapy, and practices from both Eastern and Western traditions. Anthony de Mello offers here an unparalleled approach to inner peace that brings thewholeperson to prayer -- body and soul, heart and mind, memory and imagination. In forty-seven exercises that teach things such as awareness of physical sensations, stillness, healing of hurtful memories, and consciousness of self and world, de Mello succeeds in helping all who have ever experienced prayer as difficult, dull, or frustrating. The essential key, he notes, is to journey beyond mere thought-forms and discover satisfying new depths in prayerfrom the heart. This allows for a greater sense of awareness amid silence, and disposes the one who prays to untold riches, spiritual fulfillment, and ultimately, a mystical experience of God-centeredness. Drawing on Scripture, as well as insights from Eastern and Western spiritual masters, the author has a unique appeal that transcends time, culture, and religious background. For many years a bestseller in the English language,Sadhanahas now been translated into more than two dozen foreign languages. Readers the world over have eagerly received this sincere spiritual leader, who has led many toward the wealth of insight and spirit that dwells within them.

E-Book Content

Spirituality u.s. A masterpiece in the art of learning how to pray and meditate $6.95 Canada $8.95 Truly a one-of-a-kind, how-to-do-it book, this small volume responds to a very real hunger for self-awareness and holistic living. It consists of a series of spiritual exercises for entering the contemplative state-blending psychology, spiritual therapy, and practices of both Eastern and Western traditions. Anthony de Mello, a J esmt priest, is known throughout the world as one of the foremost spiritual guides. unparalleled approach to inner peace that brings the His is an whole person to prayer-body and soul, heart and mind, memory and imagina­ tion. In forty-seven exercises that teach such things as awareness of body sensations, stillness, healing of hurtful memories, and con­ sciousness of self and world, de Mello succeeds in helping all of us who have ever experienced prayer as difficult, dull, or frustrating. The essential key, he notes, is to journey beyond mere thought­ forms and discover satisfying new depths in prayer from the heart. This allows greater sense awareness amid silence and disposes the pray-er to untold riches, spiritual fulfillment, and ultimately, a mystical experience of God-centeredness. Drawing on Scripture, as well as insights from Eastern and Western spiritual masters, the author has a unique appeal that transcends time, culture, or religious persuasion. SADHANA is already a bestseller in the English language ·and has been translated as well into some two dozen foreign languages. The Image Books edition will be eagerly received by a variety of readers and will introduce to a diverse audience a genuine spiritual leader who speaks to believers and nonbelievers alike. 0984 I 50695 A Doubleday Image Book 9 780385 19614 7 COVER PHOTO BY NAEDA/IMAGE B ANK COVER TYPOGRAPHY BY TITA NASOL N 0-3 8 5-19 614-8 > > 69 5 SAD HANA A WAY TO GOD SAD HANA A WAY TO GOD Christian Exercises in Eastern Form COMPLETE AND UNABRIDGED by Anthony de Mello, SJ. AN IMAGE BooK DOUBLEDAY NEW YORK LONDON TORONTO SYDNEY AUCKLAND AN IMA GE BooK PUBLIS H E D BY D OUBL E
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