Wordpress For Dummies

E-Book Overview

Bloggers love WordPress! If you're ready to start using this free blogging software, WordPress For Dummies, 2nd Edition is just what you and your blog need to make a splash.

Professional blog designer Lisa Sabin-Wilson shows you how to use all the latest upgrades to WordPress and helps you decide whether to use the Wordpress.com hosted service or self-host your blog with WordPress.org. Whether you're just venturing into the blogosphere or you want to shift an existing blog to WordPress, WordPress For Dummies, 2nd Edition will help.

Explore theme development and learn where to find free WordPress themes Extend WordPress through plug-ins, CSS, custom fields, and more Find out about archiving, interacting with readers through comments, tracking back, and handling spam Get the scoop on domain registration, Web hosting providers, basic tools like FTP, and more Create a unique blog theme and presentation by using template tags with CSS Sign up for WordPress.com, log in, set options, and create a profile Install WordPress.org, set up a MySQL database, explore RSS feeds, and organize a blogroll Discover the secrets of creating a blog that draws readers Get tips on wonderful widgets, upgrades, and plugins you can add to make your blog extra cool Learn how to use the Dashboard, manage comments, and make permalinks work with your Web server With WordPress For Dummies, 2nd Edition on hand, it's easy to make the most of the free software and build a blog that stands out in a crowd.

E-Book Content

Spine: .816” Internet/Web Page Design Discover why bloggers love WordPress and make your blog the best it can be • Pick your flavor — decide whether to use the WordPress.com hosted service or self-host your blog with WordPress.org • Customization — discover CSS and template tags and how to use them to create your own unique style • Host with the most — get the scoop on domain registration, Web hosting providers, basic tools like FTP, and more Open the book and find: • Advice for creating a blog that draws readers • Tips on managing comments, trackbacks, and spam • How to use the Dashboard • Wonderful widgets and plugins to add • How to make permalinks work with your Web server • The standard templates and how to tweak them • Ten popular WordPress themes s s e r P d Wor • Where to find help when you need it • Do it yourself — install WordPress.org, set up a MySQL® database, explore RSS feeds, and organize a blogroll • Beef up your blog — insert audio, video, images, and photos • Think theme — discover where to find WordPress themes, explore various options, and work with template tags to create a unique look Go to Learn to: dummies.com® for more! • Use the latest upgrades to WordPress 2.7 • Explore theme development and tweak free WordPress themes • Create a unique blog theme and presentation by using tags with CSS $24.99 US / $26.99 CN / £15.99 UK Lisa Sabin-Wilson is a designer of blogs and Web sites and founder of E.Webscapes Design Studio. She has been working with WordPress since 2002. Lisa’s client list includes over 1,000 personal and professional blogs, and she is a frequent panel member at blogging and social media conferences. 2nd Edition ® ® • Blogging 101 — find out about archiving, interacting with readers through comments, tracking back, and handling spam ™ 2nd Edition WordPress Blogs are as much a part of life today as the evening newspaper was fifty years ago, and for much the same reason: Inquiring minds want to know. WordPress powers some of the most popular blogs on the Web, and with this guide to help, it can work for you, too. Here’s what WordPress does, how to set it up and use it, and some cool bells and whistles to make your b
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