The Psycho-analytic Reader: An Anthology Of Essential Papers With Critical Introductions

E-Book Overview

The Psycho-analytic Reader is a compilation of representative papers in psycho-analysis, hitherto uncollected. The contributions united here have been gathered by scanning the complete literature of the field, from the oldest Viennese Jahrbuch für Psychoanalyse, founded in 1909, to the British and American psycho-analytic periodicals of today. In these journals important work has remained scattered amongst much ephemeral material, and much that, valid at the date of publication, has in the meantime become obsolete. In addition, certain papers which one would not want to miss, have remained untranslated into English; and the periodicals carrying them are, naturally, long out of print. Thus a good deal of the literature has become difficult of access. [from the Foreword]

E-Book Content

THE An Anthology of Essential Papers with Critical Introductions The Psychoanalytic reader : BF 23 .P8 an anthology 46848 lllinHIIHM CIIS LIBRARY PAPERBACK LIBRARY THE PSYCHOLOGY OF BEHAVIOR ON NOT BEING ABLE TO PAINT, Marion Milner—A psychological account of the artist’s struggle against the obstacles which prevent creativity. $2.95 FEMALE SEXUALITY, Marie Bonaparte—A study of the various biological, physiological and social influences which affect the development of adult female sexuality. $2.95 READING BETWEEN THE LINES, Lucille Hollander Blum—An exploration of doctor-patient communication. $2.95 EGO AND BODY EGO, Robert Fliess—Ego and body ego as defense mechanisms to psychoanalysis. $3.95 THE PSYCHOLOGY OF CLOTHES, J. C. Flugel—The importance of clothes to the human psyche. $2.95 MANNERISMS OF SPEECH AND GESTURES IN EVERYDAY LIFE, Sandor Feldman-How and why we use certain expressions and gestures as a form of communication. $3.45 THE PSYCHOLOGY OF GAMBLING, Edmund Bergler—A study of the compulsive gambler. $2.45 MONEY AND EMOTIONAL CONFLICTS, Edmund Bergler—How money can be a reflector of unconscious desires and motivations, and can produce a specific disease: money neurosis. $2.95 THE FAMILY AND HUMAN ADAPTATION, Theodore Lidz—A rich mosaic of fresh insights on the role of the family. $1.95 CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY NOT BY THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN, Marjorie McDonald-The impact of racial differ­ ences on the child’s development. $3.25 ADOLESCENCE: ITS SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, C. M. Fleming-The complete background of this difficult age at home, in school and on the threshold of maturity. $2.95 CHILDREN TELL STORIES, E. Pitcher and E. Prelinger—An analysis of fantasy taken from the stories of children from the ages of two to five. $2.45 PARENT GUIDANCE IN THE NURSERY SCHOOL, Margarete Ruben-How to promote healthy psychological growth in the pre-school child. $1.95 PATTERNS OF MOTHERING, Sylvia Brody—The role of the mother in the development of the child. $3.95 PSYCHOTHERAPY OF THE ADOLESCENT, Benjamin H. Balser, ed.-The problems of children at this age; the role of the therapist and the parents. $2.95 YOUR CHILD MAKES SENSE, Edith Buxbaum-A guidebook for parents. $2.45 THE SOCIAL SCIENCES DICTATORS AND DISCIPLES, Gustav Bychowski—A psychoanalytical study of five histori­ cal tyrants. $2.95 HISTORY OF RUSSIAN PHILOSOPHY, Nicholas O. Lossky-An interpretation of Russian philosophy written for the Westerner. $3.95 THE MAGIC BACKGROUND OF MODERN ANTI-SEMITISM, Adolph Leschnitzer-An analy­ sis of the disintegration of a cultural cooperation which led to the horror of 19331945. $3.45 THE NEED TO BELIEVE, Mortimer Ostow and Ben-Ami Scharfstein—The psychology of religion. $1.95 PROGRESS AND REVOLUTION, Robert Waelder—A study of power, violence, dissent and the need for social change. $3.45 THE ROOTS OF CRIME, Edward Glover—The diagnosis and treatment of the criminal mind. $3.95 THE SOVIET REVOLUTION, R. R. Abramovitch—A history of the Soviet Revolution which provides an understandin
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