Iac'94. International Aerospace Congress. Theory, Applications, Technologies

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MARS BALLON FLOATAGING STATION. SCHEME OE.EXl'ERIMENT AND PROJECT-DYNAMIC PARAMETERS R.S.Kremnev, G.N.Rogovsky, K.M.Pichkhadze, V.A.Vorontsov, V.Linkin J.Runavot, J.Blamont, C.Tarrieu ABSTRACT The planned Mars'94 soviet mission will include an aerostat as a vehicle to exploring the surface of the planet. This aerostate is to be designed and developed in the framework of the space cooperation between USSR and France. The mission of the ballon vehicle is to collect detailed information over various Mars surface sites. To meet this objective, the balloon flies daily using solar heating and moves to the next landing site pushed by the local winds. Therefore, the each day the aerostat will ivestigate a different place during its lifetime. The main challenge is to achieve a lightweight balloon, needed by the very low atmospheric density of Mars, able to provide a workable instrument platform. Several consepts have been considered, including a single gas balloon to dual balloon systems combining aerostatic gas and solar hot air effects. For all these consepts, the mechanical, thermooptical and leakage films properties have a major impact on the overall performance. Emphasis has been put on technological aspects as well as on the materials themselves and the envelopes manufacturing process. 1 2 Sel f-contained smal l space tether systems Alpatov A.P., S.V., Be l onozhko P.A., :Khoroshilov V. S., ( I nstitute of Sciences, Dranovsky V.L., Grigor'yev Pirozhenko A. V. Technical �chanics of Ukrainian Academy of Design Bureau " Yuzhnoye", Dnepropetrovsk) A creation of space tether systenB ( TS) providing a great deal of possibil ities in astronautics is connected to a number of qual itativel y space TS movement theory mechanics, shown as that well some experimental considered to A development of new hard-solving probl enB. as a new field of space flight as difficu lties arising TS depl oyment has problenB studies. have And tether of space if main length TS needs space from TS tens kil ometers then for treatment of depl oyment, thorough designs to are thousands ways of placemant and transportation the design of se l f-contained smal l space T S i s considered to be reasonable. km length and with tethered regarded to be smal l TS. A tether system o f approx. bodies mass of at1rospheric density, measurements, 100 kg is e.g. to study l atitude to maintain exact base for to create mul ti-el ement space systenB. The studies conducted on design util ization of smal l T S design incl ude anal ytical an d experimental TS deployment to This design utilization has both scientific and practical appl ications, variation up 1 dynamics, investigations of defining of the main regul arities of system motion in operational regims, creating the patterns of the units of system and experimental study of their operation. The paper is devoted to investigation procedures. the main resul ts of study and Tbaes of a report 3 Automatic dJnamlc test eomplex ol JDUltillUpport lnltaiow fre
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