Psychic Self-defense

E-Book Overview

"After finding herself the subject of a powerful psychic attack in the 1930’s [sic - in fact it was much earlier], famed British occultist Dion Fortune wrote this detailed instruction manual on protecting oneself from paranormal attack. This classic psychic self-defense guide explains how to understand the signs of a psychic attack, vampirism, hauntings, and methods of defense." Bookmarks added and links fixed in vector-only (no page images) pdf from No front cover. For more details on the background to the psychic attack see chapter 9 of "Quest for Dion Fortune" (1993) by Janine CHAPMAN:

E-Book Content

PSYCHIC SELF-DEFENSE Dion Fortune CONTENTS PREFACE PART I TYPES OF PSYCHIC ATTACK I. SIGNS OF PSYCHIC ATTACK II. ANALYSIS OF THE NATURE OF PSYCHIC ATTACK III. A CASE OF MODERN WITCHCRAFT IV. PROJECTION OF THE ETHERIC BODY V. VAMPIRISM VI. HAUNTINGS 1 of 103 VII. THE PATHOLOGY OF NON-HUMAN CONTACTS VIII. THE RISKS INCIDENTAL TO CEREMONIAL MAGIC PART II DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS IX. DISTINCTION BETWEEN OBJECTIVE PSYCHIC ATTACK AND SUBJECTIVE PSYCHIC DISTURBANCE X. NON-OCCULT DANGERS OF THE BLACK LODGE XI. THE PSYCHIC ELEMENT IN MENTAL DISTURBANCE PART III THE DIAGNOSIS OF A PSYCHIC ATTACK XII. METHODS EMPLOYED IN MAKING A PSYCHIC ATTACK XIII. THE MOTIVES OF PSYCHIC ATTACK. I XIV. THE MOTIVES OF PSYCHIC ATTACK. II PART IV METHODS OF DEFENCE AGAINST PSYCHIC ATTACK XV. PHYSICAL ASPECT OF PSYCHIC ATTACK AND DEFENCE XVI. DIAGNOSIS OF THE NATURE OF AN ATTACK XVII. METHODS OF DEFENCE. I XVIII. METHODS OF DEFENCE. II XIX. METHODS OF DEFENCE. III XX. METHODS OF DEFENCE. IV 2 of 103 CONCLUSION PREFACE I T is with a sense of the seriousness of the issues involved that I set myself to the task of writing a book on psychic attack and the best methods of defence against it. The undertaking is beset with pitfalls. It is hardly possible to give practical information on the methods of psychic defence without at the same time giving practical information on the methods of psychic attack. It is not without reason that initiates have always guarded their secret science behind closed doors. To disclose sufficient to be adequate without disclosing sufficient to be dangerous is my problem. But as so much has already been made known concerning the esoteric teachings, and as the circle of students of the occult is becoming rapidly wider every day, it may well be that the time has now come for plain speaking. The task is not of my seeking, but as it has come into my hands, I will do my best to discharge it honourably, making available the knowledge which has come to me in the course of many years' experience of the strange by-ways of the mind which the mystic shares with the lunatic. This knowledge has not been attained without cost, nor, I suspect, will the divulging of it be altogether free from cost, either. I have endeavoured to avoid, as far as possible, the use of second-hand material. We all know the person who has a friend whose friend saw the ghost with her own eyes. That is not of very much use to anybody. What we need is to have the eye-witness under cross-examination. For this reason I have not drawn upon the vast literature of the subject for illustrations of my thesis, but have preferred to rely upon cases that have come within the range of my own experience and which I have been able to examine. I think I may fairly claim to have practical, and not merely theoretical, qualifications for the task. My attention was first turned to psychology, and subsequently to occultism as the real key to psychology, by the personal experience of a psychic attack which lef
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