Storytelling And Other Poems

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i^km^ I it STORYTELLING AND OTHER POEMS IN FOURTEEN VOLUMES VOLUME TWO STORYTELLING AND OTHER POEMS FIELD ENTERPRISES, INC. CH CAGO I CHILDCRAFT (Rec. U. S. Pat. Off.) Copyright 1949, U. by Field Enterprises, S. A. Inc. Copyright 1947, 1945, 1942, 1939 by The Quarrie Corporation Copyright 1937, 1935, 1934 by W. F. Quarrie & Company The Child's Treasury Copyright 1931, 1923 by W. F. Quarrie International Copyright & Company 1949 by Field Enterprises, Inc. International Copyright 1947 by The Quarrie Corporation All rights reproduced reserved. in This volume may not be whole or in part in any form without written permission from the publishers. Prmttd in tht EBB I 1 : *Vftt&: S ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CHILDCRAFT gratefully acknowledge the courtesy of the following publishers and authors for permission to use copyrighted stories, poems, and illustrations: & Company: "Dawn" by Paul Laurence Dunbar, from The Complete Poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar, copyright 1896 by Dodd, Mead & Company; "The Vagabond Song," by Bliss Carman, and courtesy of McClelland and Stewart. Dodd, Mead The publishers of "When the Frost Is on the Punkin," from Neighborly Poems by James Whitcomb Riley, copyright 1891 and 1919; "A Nonsense Rhyme" and "The Raggedy Man," from Rhymes of Childhood, copyright 1890 and 1918 by Riley. Bobbs-Merrill Company: & Doubleday 1913 by Doubleday "Wonder Where This Horseshoe A Very Little Sphinx" in Young People by Edna St. Vincent Millay, published by Harper & Brothers, copyright 1913 by Edna St. Vincent Millay; "Afternoon on a Hill," from Renascence and Other Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay, published by Harper & Brothers, copyright 1917 by Edna St. Vincent Millay; "Western Wagons" and "Daniel Boone," from A Book of Americans by Rosemary and Stephen Vincent Benet, published by Rinehart & Company, Inc., copyright 1933 by Rosemary and Stephen Vincent Benet; "It Was," from Here, There, and Everywhere, copyright 1917, 1918, by Dorothy Aldis, courtesy A. P. Putnam's Sons. Brandt & Company: "The Camel's Hump," from Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling, copyright 1911, and courtesy A. P. Watt & Sons; "Sometimes," from The Fairy Flute by Rose Fyleman, copyright Brandt: & Company. Went," from "From Poems Gerald Duckworth & Company, Ltd. "The Vulture," from The Bad Child' s Book of Beasts by Hilaire Belloc. Selected for : Dutton & Company: "The Night Will Never Stay," from Gipsy and Ginger by Eleanor Farjeon; "Spring Morning" and "Hoppity," from When We Were Very Young by A. A. Milne, and courtesy A. A. Milne, Curtis Brown, Ltd., and Methuen & Company, Ltd. E. P. Flexman, John: "The Shiny Little House" by Nancy M. Hayes. & Company: "Wheels and Wings" and "When Young Melissa Sweeps," from Magpie Lane by Nancy Byrd Turner, copyright 1917 by Harcourt. Harcourt, Brace Child Life magazine publishers and the authors for the following poems: "Look at the Snow" by Mary Carolyn Davies; "Silver Trees" and "Benjamin Jones Goes Swimming" by Aileen Fisher; "The Beech Tree" and "The Little Tune" by Rose Fyleman, and courtesy Society of Authors; "Fun" by Harper & Brothers: Stanzas from "The Wakeupworld," from The Lost Zoo by Countee Cullen, copyright 1940 by Harper & Brothers. Leroy F. Jackson; "The Mocking Bird" by Maurice Le