The Animal Book

E-Book Overview

Contains: 26 works, mostly reprinted chapters from longer works by mostly obscure authors, but includes more well-known authors such as John Muir; Anna Sewell with a full reprint of her book "Black Beauty"; Jack London with a full reprint of his short story "Brown Wolf"; Eric Knight with a full reprint of his short story "Lassie Come Home"; Marjorie Rawlings with a chapter from "The Yearling"; and Rudyard Kipling with a full reprint of his short story "Moti Guj -- Mutineer"

E-Book Information

  • Volume Info: t

  • Series: The Junior Classics: The Young Folks' Shelf of Books #7

  • Year: 1,938

  • Pages In File: 384

  • Language: English

  • Topic: 103

  • Org File Size: 34,888,339

  • Extension: pdf