Jeffrey Epsteins Black Book - Unredacted

E-Book Overview

Jeffrey Epstein, a well-connected but enigmatic billionaire, was first charged and convicted in 2008 of sexually abusing dozens of minors in Palm Beach, FL. Amid increased media scrutiny Epstein was arrested again in 2019 and a month later allegedly committed suicide in prison. Jeffrey is hailed by many critics as the most prolific of all sex offenders, a groomer and pimp of teenage girls as sex slaves to the rich and powerful. This shallow view makes headlines but ignores a more sobering reality. To his clients and puppeteers he was a fixer and enforcer, an blackmailer and entrapper to the bidding of the ugliest forms of global elite corruption. In his personal effects that were introduced and accepted into undisputed court evidence were a personal contact list, the so-called "Black book", and the flight logs of plane trips to his infamous personal island in the Virgin Is. The FAA requires the names of the passengers be listed. Unlike most scandals where accessories remain hidden, here we have a microscope to probe the guts of a monster. The complex dark web of enablers has reached the naked light of day. The digital army of anons is prying up the floorboards and digging in the bushes. Here is what they found in easy to read form... Jeffrey Epstein claimed he was not a sexual predator, not everyone draws that line in the same place.

E-Book Content

CONTENTS Introduction 3 Epstein's Black Book Unredacted! Personal Listings 4 4 Geographical Listings 61 Who's Who of Epstein's Black Book Jeffrey Epstein, Complete Flight Logs 95 127 Pedophilia & Empire - Chapter 14 The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal What does a Fixer Fix? Epilogue 212 208 176 INTRODUCTION Jeffrey Epstein, a well-connected but enigmatic billionaire, was first charged and convicted in 2008 of sexually abusing dozens of minors in Palm Beach, FL. Amid increased media scrutiny Epstein was arrested again in 2019 and a month later allegedly committed suicide in prison. Jeffrey is hailed by many critics as the most prolific of all sex offenders, a groomer and pimp of teenage girls as sex slaves to the rich and powerful. This shallow view makes headlines but ignores a more sobering reality. To his clients and puppeteers he was a fixer and enforcer, an blackmailer and entrapper to the bidding of the ugliest forms of global elite corruption. His story has been told in many worthwhile books like: TrafficKing: The Jeffrey Epstein Case (2016)-Conchita Sarnoff Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2019)-Dylan Howard Filthy Rich: A Powerful Billionaire, the Sex Scandal that Undid Him (2019)-James Patterson Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State (2018) Chapter 14: The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal - Anatomy of the Zionist-Illuminati Sexual Blackmail System -Joachim Hagopian The last of these is a fifty page chapter available free on amazon that cuts to the core his his function as a cog in the social control scheme used to manipulate the upper tiers of society. In his personal effects that were introduced and accepted into undisputed court evidence were a personal contact list, the so-called "Black book", and the flight logs of plane trips to his infamous personal island in the Virgin Is. The FAA requires the names of the passengers be listed. Unlike most scandals where accessories remain hidden, here we have a microscope to probe the guts of a monster. The complex dark web of enablers has reached the naked light of day. The digital army of anons is prying up the floorboards and digging in the bushes. Here is what they found in easy to read form... Jeffrey Epstein claimed he was not a sexual predator, not everyone draws that line in the same place. Abby 07944 574 202 Aldridge Saffron Ab
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