Advertising And Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective

E-Book Information

  • Year: 2,012

  • Edition: 9

  • Pages In File: 890

  • Language: English

  • Topic: 5

  • Identifier: 9780073404868,0073404861,2010040703

  • Org File Size: 64,992,691

  • Extension: pdf

  • Toc: Title Contents Part One Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications 1 AN INTRODUCTION TO INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS The Growth of Advertising and Promotion The Role of Marketing The Marketing Mix Integrated Marketing Communications The Evolution of IMC A Contemporary Perspective of IMC Reasons for the Growing Importance of IMC The Role of IMC in Branding The Promotional Mix: The Tools for IMC Advertising Direct Marketing Interactive/Internet Marketing Sales Promotion Publicity/Public Relations Personal Selling IMC Involves Audience Contacts The IMC Planning Process Review of the Marketing Plan Promotional Program Situation Analysis Analysis of the Communications Process Budget Determination Developing the Integrated Marketing Communications Program Monitoring, Evaluation, and Control Perspective and Organization of This Text 2 THE ROLE OF IMC IN THE MARKETING PROCESS Marketing Strategy and Analysis Opportunity Analysis Competitive Analysis Target Market Selection The Target Marketing Process Identifying Markets Market Segmentation Selecting a Target Market Market Positioning Developing a Positioning Strategy Developing the Marketing Planning Program Product Decisions Price Decisions Distribution Channel Decisions Developing Promotional Strategies: Push or Pull? The Role of Advertising and Promotion Part Two Integrated Marketing Communications Program Situation Analysis 3 ORGANIZING FOR ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION: THE ROLE OF AD AGENCIES AND OTHER MARKETING COMMUNICATION ORGANIZATIONS Participants in the Integrated Marketing Communications Process: An Overview Organizing for Advertising and Promotion in the Firm: The Client’s Role The Centralized System The Decentralized System In-House Agencies Advertising Agencies The Ad Agency’s Role Types of Ad Agencies Other Types of Agencies and Services Agency Compensation Commissions from Media Fee, Cost, and Incentive-Based Systems Percentage Charges The Future of Agency Compensation Evaluating Agencies Gaining and Losing Clients Specialized Services Direct-Marketing Agencies Sales Promotion Agencies Public Relations Firms Interactive Agencies Collateral Services Integrated Marketing Communications Services Pros and Cons of Integrated Services Responsibility for IMC: Agency versus Client 4 PERSPECTIVES ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR An Overview of Consumer Behavior The Consumer Decision-Making Process Problem Recognition Examining Consumer Motivations Information Search Perception Alternative Evaluation Attitudes Integration Processes and Decision Rules Purchase Decision Postpurchase Evaluation Variations in Consumer Decision Making The Consumer Learning Process Behavioral Learning Theory Cognitive Learning Theory Environmental Infl uences on Consumer Behavior Culture Subcultures Reference Groups Situational Determinants Alternative App