A High Performance Organization... What Is It?

E-Book Overview

A ’High Performance Organization’, what is it? Yet another project? No its not. A High Performance Organization or HPO, is really just an inspiring, motivating and challenging organization to its employees and customers. What is noteworthy is that it is not always about large organizations. What it is all about is that you and your colleagues all do the “right things” together. This allows you to create a successful team or department and these are the foundations for a High Performance Organization (HPO)! Scientific research and practical experience of hundreds of organizations around the world can help you with what you can do to become an HPO. This knowledge is, as the African proverb goes: ‘water for life’. And this ‘water’ is the 35 characteristics described as part of the five ‘HPO Factors’: Management Quality, Openness & Action Orientation, Long-Term Orientation, Continuous Improvement & Renewal, Employee Quality.

E-Book Content

A High Performance Organization... What is it ? Enjoy going to work! By Marco Schreurs & Alex Meingast 01 Kwaliteit van management Copyright ISBN: 978-90-822059-3-0 NUR: 801 Keywords: high performance organization, HPO, achieve more External design: www.sitestorm.nl Content design:www.sitestorm.nl Printed: 1st edition, May 2015 © HPO Center 2015 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a database system, or published, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the Publisher. Copying of this document is permitted according to article 16B Authors Legislation (Auteurswet NL) 1912 j°, according to version 20 June 1974, St.b. 351, as per amended version 23 august 1985, St.b. 471 and section 17 Authors legislation 1912, It is necessary to comply with the legally relevant fees of the Foundation Copyright law. The Publisher must be contacted for any intentions to include any part of this publication in presentations, readers and other materials or other written works (article 16 Copyright Act 1912), in whatever form. Despite every care taken during the composition of this publication, neither the Editors, nor the Author nor the Publisher accept responsibility for any damages resulting from any errors in this edition. 2 --- 2 Contents Foreword 4 Introduction 6 The HPO- framework 8 Reading and action instructions 12 Factor 1 Management Quality 14 Factor 2 Openness & Action Orientation 48 Factor 3 Long-term Orientation 68 Factor 4 Continuous Improvement & Renewal 84 Factor 5 Employee Quality 98 What are you going to do now? 112 More information 114 About the authors 116 About the HPO Center 118 Printable characteristic cards -3- 120 HPO? Will this cost me extra time? If you have received this booklet it is because the organization for which you work has probable decided that things can be done even more effectively. This in turn will provide you with manyopportunities for improvement. Now you could be thinking: yet another project? Is this something else to do? I am already completely overloaded. Whatever your thoughts are, this booklet has been written with you in mind. Any organization that wants to improve needs every single one of its employees to make a difference and improve through a combined effort, regardless of the department they work in. The HPO Center is helping organizations across the world to achieve this. Your organization may use the term HPO or it is possibly called something else. It is important for you to know that there are 35 aspec