Service Programs Standards For Physical Education In Women’s Catholic Liberal Arts Colleges

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Sponsoring Committee: Professor Leonard A. Larson, Professor Alonzo F. Myers and Professor Martha Hill SERVICE PROGRAM STANDARDS FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN WOMEN1S CATHOLIC LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGES IRMA SCHALK Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education in the School of Education of New York University 1950 ^ 'ijfijnaA J5f»Qwnftn!i Acc^pfcpd, DataUl)N , The student herby guarantees that no part of the dissertation w h i c h she has submitted for publication has been hertofore published and (or) copyrighted in the United States of America, except in the case of passages quoted from other published sources; that she is the sole author and proprietor of said dissertation; that the dissertation contains no matter which, if published, will b e libelous or otherwise injurious, or infringe in any w a y the copyright of any other party; and that she will defend, idemnify and hold harmless New York University against all suits and proceedings wich may be brought and a g a i n s t all claims which may be made against New York University by reason of the publication of said disserta­ tion. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In writing a document of this nature, it is diffi­ cult If not impossible to rely upon one's own resources. There, have been many who have generously cooperated in pre­ paring the manuscript in all stages of its pre-publication life. The author wishes to express a deep feeling of in­ debtedness to Dr. Alonzo P. Myers and Professor Martha Hill of the sponsoring committee for their suggestions iand guid­ ance. Grateful acknowledgment is also made to the many authors whose publications are quoted. It was especially a privilege to have received permission to cite statements from the text on "College Facilities for Physical Education, Health and Recreation" of the College Physical Education Association and the publication "A Guide for Planning Facili­ ties for Athletics, Recreation, Physical and Health Education® by the Athletic Institute. It is a pleasure also to mention Monsignor Frederick G. Hochwalt, Secretary of the National Catholic Education Association and Monsignor Edward Dillon, College Department of the National Catholic Education Association, whose belief in the need for this study led them to endorse and sign the ii questionnaires sent to the institutions. In addition, the author is obliged to the group of fifteen experts who served willingly to evaluate a detailed list of standards. A word of thanks is due to the physical education directors and college administrators who gave generously of their time to respond to a lengthy inquiry form. It is by such cooperation that advancement in health, physical educa­ tion and recreation can more substantially be made. In particular, the author will always attribute a large part of whatever success she may have attained in pre­ senting this material to Dr* Leonard A. Larson, Chairman of the Sponsoring Committee. His assistance and encouragement from its inception to the final stages of the study have been especially appreciated. The author is especially grateful to Professor Eleanor D. Kilcoyne for having carefully read and edited the manu­ script. If by any measure this research document can be con­ sidered worthwhile, it has been due largely to the many pro­ fessional friends who have knowingly or unknowingly made contributions• Irma Schalk iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter to Page I SCOPE OF THE PROBLEM Factors Underlying the Present Study . . . . Purpose of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . Delimitations. . . . . . ................... Significance of the Problem................ Procedure................................... 1 1 3 4 4 6 II
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