Cfa 2020 Level Ii - Schwesernotes Book 1

E-Book Content

Contents 1. Learning Outcome Statements (LOS) 2. Welcome to the 2020 Level II SchweserNotes™ 3. Readings 1 & 2: CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct and Guidance for Standards I–VII 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 1.1: Introduction to the Code and Standards 3. Module 2.1: Standards I(A) and I(B) 4. Module 2.2: Standards I(C) and I(D) 5. Module 2.3: Standards II(A) and II(B) 6. Module 2.4: Standard III(A) 7. Module 2.5: Standards III(B) and III(C) 8. Module 2.6: Standards III(D) and III(E) 9. Module 2.7: Standards IV(A), IV(B), and IV(C) 10. Module 2.8: Standard V 11. Module 2.9: Standard VI 12. Module 2.10: Standard VII 13. Key Concepts 14. Answer Key for Module Quizzes 4. Reading 3: Application of the Code and Standards 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 3.1: Ethics Case Studies 5. Topic Assessment: Ethical and Professional Standards 1. Topic Assessment Answers: Ethical and Professional Standards 6. Reading 4: Introduction to Linear Regression 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 4.1: Linear Regression: Introduction 3. Module 4.2: Hypothesis Tests and Confidence Intervals 4. Module 4.3: Predicting Dependent Variables and Confidence Intervals 5. Module 4.4: ANOVA Tables, R2, and SEE 6. Key Concepts 7. Answer Key for Module Quizzes 7. Reading 5: Multiple Regression 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 5.1: Multiple Regression: Introduction 3. Module 5.2: Hypothesis Tests and Confidence Intervals 4. Module 5.3: ANOVA and the F-Test 5. Module 5.4: Coefficient of Determination and Adjusted R-Squared 6. Module 5.5: Dummy Variables 7. Module 5.6: Assumptions: Heteroskedasticity 8. Module 5.7: Serial Correlation 9. Module 5.8: Multicollinearity 10. Module 5.9: Model Misspecification, and Qualitative Dependent Variables 11. Key Concepts 12. Answer Key for Module Quizzes 8. Reading 6: Time-Series Analysis 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 6.1: Linear and Log-Linear Trend Models 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 3. Module 6.2: Autoregressive (AR) Models 4. Module 6.3: Random Walks and Unit Roots 5. Module 6.4: Seasonality 6. Module 6.5: ARCH and Multiple Time Series 7. Key Concepts 8. Answer Key for Module Quizzes Reading 7: Machine Learning 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 7.1: Types of Learning and Overfitting Problems 3. Module 7.2: Supervised Learning Algorithms 4. Module 7.3: Unsupervised Learning Algorithms and Other Models 5. Key Concepts 6. Answer Key for Module Quizzes Reading 8: Big Data Projects 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 8.1: Data Analysis Steps 3. Module 8.2: Data Exploration 4. Module 8.3: Model Training and Evaluation 5. Key Concepts 6. Answer Key for Module Quizzes Reading 9: Probabilistic Approaches: Scenario Analysis, Decision Trees, and Simulations 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 9.1: Probabilistic Approaches 3. Key Concepts 4. Answer Key for Module Quizzes Topic Assessment: Quantitative Methods 1. Topic Assessment Answers: Quantitative Methods Reading 10: Currency Exchange Rates: Understanding Equilibrium Value 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 10.1: Forex Quotes, Spreads, and Triangular Arbitrage 3. Module 10.2: Mark-to-Market Value, and Parity Conditions 4. Module 10.3: Exchange Rate Determinants, Carry Trade, and Central Bank Influence 5. Key Concepts 6. Answer Key For Module Quizzes Reading 11: Economic Growth and the Investment Decision 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 11.1: Growth Factors and Production Function 3. Module 11.2: Growth Accounting and Influencing Factors 4. Module 11.3: Growth and Convergence Theories 5. Key Concepts 6. Answer Key for Module Quizzes Reading 12: Economics of Regulation 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 12.1: Economics of Regulation 3. Key Concepts 4. Answer Key for Module Quizzes Topic Assessment: Economics 1. Topic Assessment Answers: Economics Formulas 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Appendix A: Student’s T-Distribution Appendix B: F-Table at 5 Percent (Upper Tail) Appendix C: F-Table at 2.5 Perce
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