A Guide To Meditation

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A GUIDE TO MEDITATION by AMITAKH CHIAPPALONE First printed and published 1996 Updated and reprinted 1998 by ANNWN PUBLICATIONS for Amitakh Chiappalone PO Box 28 Malanda 4885 Queensland Australia Copyright: Amitakh Chiappalone ISBN 1 875286 01 2 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 What is Meditation? 2 Meditation Progress 3 The benefits of Meditation 4 The Need for Protection 5 An Aura Protection Excercise 6 How does one meditate? 7 Helpful Hints 8 Seeing Images and Colours 9 Conclusion For Thomas and Phoebenale ONE WHAT IS MEDITATION? I entered Silence a thousand times before I saw the face of True Silence. Meditation is a natural state of mind. It is purely a mental activity. The main goal in meditation is to establish contact with the Divine within - the awakening of the Divine Consciousness within. The main point in meditation is for the activated life-force to do its purification work. Meditation is not a practice which one can grasp and become proficient overnight. You have made a beginning in meditation the very first instance that you close your eyes to make contact with the Divine within. Once you have learned to turn inward to make contact with the Divine within, you become the beholder of Its activity and expression so that you can draw your good from the Divine within. As people awaken generally, more and more are viewing meditation scientifically rather than as a mysterious exercise practised by so-called mystics. Do not be discouraged even if you seem to be making no progress in the early stage of meditation. With practice and perseverance, you can progress and may even master the art of meditation in due course. Regardless of how many years you have been practising meditation, you will find that it is a wonderful, personal, on-going adventure with unlimited possibilities. Meditation is not thinking about something as many people misunderstand. It is a proc