Hypnotize Your Lover

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How to Hypnotize Your Lover To... Awaken A Sleepy Relationship By Wayne F. Perkins 1999, Wayne F. Perkins and Wayne F. Perkins ePublishing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the publisher. ISBN 1-929695-16-0 Written by Wayne F. Perkins, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Dedication I dedicate this book to you, the reader and lover. You are my inspiration. I also dedicate this book to all of the people who have inspired me during my life. You continue to inspire me and you are helping others achieve their mission in life. Wayne F. Perkins Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist "My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life."--Wayne F. Perkins How to Use This Book How To Hypnotize Your Lover To Awaken A Sleepy Relationship by Wayne F. Perkins, is not just a book. It is a complete system that allows you and your love partner to achieve successful hypnosis encounters. The hypnosis encounters are designed to awaken your mutual love relationship. The Perkins Method of hypnosis and involves reading text to your lover or having your lover read text to you. Not only will you help your lover or partner but also you will receive all of the benefits of hypnosis yourself in the safety and comfort of your home. You may record your session on tape so that you can refer to them when both of you want to achieve the benefits of hypnosis together. My text and your own creations of inductions and hypnotic prescriptions guarantee your combined goal achievement of securing a fantastic relationship. In addition to reading and recording the text presented in this portion of the program, you have access to powerful Internet resources. These resources include a Self-hypnosis Chat service that provides on-line and real-time answers to your personal challenges. Other hypnotherapists and students with similar challenges discuss answers with the reader. The Hypnosis Forum located my website provides similar help. A major advantage in using this resource is that messages may be read and posted 24 hours a day. This is a great advantage to the many readers from countries that participate. Updated Chapters to this book and the Appendices are available to registered users of this book. A site on the Internet will provide free updated information and new Chapters. You, your lover and your program, How To Hypnotize Your Lover To Awaken A Sleepy Relationship are a work in progress. New insights and pages will be added without additional cost to you. Since the new information is located on the Internet, it will be easy to copy and print out for your use. The best part of this system is that it is fun and easy to use! The book is short, sweet, to the point and very powerful. The information will make sense to you. Advantages for Hypnotherapists and Hypnosis Educators How To Hypnotize You Lover To Awaken A Sleepy Relationship is a powerful textbook/workbook for your students. It provides a step by step approach to teaching hypnosis that guarantees positive results for your clients/students and their lovers. The quick and powerful results will allow your specific hypnosis prescriptions to become more powerful. Are you aware of the positive results you will get when both life partners are involved in your process? Your clients will reinforce any the suggestions you give them. The book is filled with activities for your students or clients. This book and all of the books in my How To Hypnotize series allows the hypnotherapist integration of hit/her personal beliefs and systems. Your clients are the beneficiaries. You win. I win and more importantly, your clients win. The Perkins
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