Handbook Of Intelligence: Theories, Measurements, And Applications

E-Book Overview

_Handbook of Intelligence_ is the most comprehensive reference work devoted to human intelligence. Drawing on contributions from leading international authorities, it brings together the major theories and controversies, measurement methods and applications in the held. Handbook of Intelligence is unique in the psychological reference literature. While there have been several books written on intelligence and psychological tests, none have attempted to examine intelligence with the depth and breadth of this work. It covers the entire held of intelligence, from its historical beginning and conceptual and practical development, all the way to the present state of the art. Divided into three sections, the Handbook deals with theories and conceptual issues related to intelligence in the first part. It describes the various measurement methods and tests in the second part, explaining their rationale and limitations. Finally, the third part presents clinical and educational applications of intelligence and its tests and measurements. Unrivaled in coverage, depth, and clarity of presentation, the Handbook of Intelligence is a must for anyone concerned with the issues of human intelligence. It is an invaluable sourcebook of inspiration and knowledge for scholars, scientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, psychiatric social workers, graduate students, researchers, and libraries.

E-Book Information

  • Year: 1,985

  • Pages: 1,014

  • Pages In File: 1,014

  • Language: English

  • Topic: 198

  • Identifier: 0-471-89738-8

  • Commentary: Internet Archive

  • Org File Size: 71,188,075

  • Extension: pdf

  • Tags: psychology, intelligence, IQ, heritability, factor analysis, neurology, psychological testing, WAIS, K-ABC, minorities, giftedness, retardation, group differences, mental health, education

  • Toc: PART ONE: Theories 1. "Genetic Determinants of Intelligence", Steven G. Vandenberg and George P. Vogler 2. "Cognitive Approaches to Intelligence", Robert J. Sternberg 3. "Neurological Foundations of Intelligence", George W. Hynd and W. Grant Willis 4. "Genetic Epistemology and the Development of Intelligence", Gerald E. Gruen 5. "General Intelligence: An Integration of Factor, Test, and Simplex Theory", Lloyd G. Humphreys 6. "The Structure-of-Intellect Model", J. P. Guilford 7. "Remodeling Old Models of Intelligence", John L. Horn 8. "Intelligence: A Life-Span Developmental Perspective", Roger A. Dixon, Deirdre A. Kramer, and Paul B. Baltes PART TWO: Measurements 9. "The Validity of Tests of Intelligence", Nathan Brody 10. "Environment and IQ", Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr. and Nancy L. Segal 11. "The Controversy Related to the Use of Psychological Tests", Robert M. Kaplan 12. "Infant Intelligence and Its Assessment", Michael Lewis and Margaret Wolan Sullivan 13. "Clinical Assessment of Children’s Intelligence with the Wechsler Scales", Cecil R. Reynolds and Alan S. Kaufman 14. "New Directions in Intelligence Testing: The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC)", Alan S. Kaufman, Randy W. Kamphaus, Nadeen L. Kaufman 15. "Mental Measurement of Minority-Grou

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