Principles Of The Institutional Law Of International Organizations

E-Book Overview

This second edition of C.F. Amerasinghe's successful book has been revised to include a new chapter on judicial organs of international organizations, as well as a considerably developed chapter on dispute settlement. Amerasinghe examines the local remedies rule in terms of both historical and modern international law. He considers customary international law as well as the application of the rule to, among others, human rights protection and international organizations.

E-Book Content

This page intentionally left blank Principles of the Institutional Law of International Organizations This second edition of C. F. Amerasinghe’s successful book, which covers the institutional aspects of the law of international organizations, has been revised to include, among other things, a new chapter on judicial organs of international organizations, as well as a considerably developed chapter on dispute settlement. There is a rigorous analysis of all the material alongside a functional examination of the law. A brief history of international organizations is followed by chapters on, amongst others, interpretation, membership and representation, international and national personality, judicial organs, the doctrine of ultra vires, liability of members to third parties, employment relations, dissolution and succession, and amendment. Important principles are extracted and discussed, and the practice of different organizations examined. c h i t t h a r a n j a n f e l i x a m e r a s i n g h e was formerly Judge at the UN Tribunal in New York, and of the Commonwealth Secretariat Tribunal in London. He was also Professor of Law and later Honorary Professor of Law at the University of Ceylon, Colombo. He was Director of the Secretariat and Registrar at the World Bank Tribunal in Washington, and is currently a member of the Institut de Droit International. He has advised governments o
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