Physical Education And Wellbeing: Global And Holistic Approaches To Child Health

E-Book Overview

This book explores how physical education (PE) can be best enacted in primary schools in order to optimise children’s wellbeing. Drawing together extensive data from school communities around the globe, the author examines multiple dimensions of child health in practice. Ultimately, the findings suggest that PE is imperative within the wider landscape of children’s holistic learning, offering a powerful platform for meaningful connections across learning areas. While quantitative research has long evidenced the benefits of physical activity, this book contributes to the complex and global issue of what effective health and wellbeing approaches look like in practice. It is natural for children to enjoy movement for the purposes of play, exploration, learning and development: this book is essential reading for educators looking to enhance children’s wellbeing and general health.

E-Book Content

Physical Education and Wellbeing Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health Timothy Lynch Physical Education and Wellbeing “This book provides innovative understandings for contemporary perspectives of childhood around health and wellbeing. It is essential reading for the field of physical education.” —Professor Susanne Garvis, Department of Education, Communication and Learning, University of Gothenburg, Sweden “The author is a passionate educator and provocateur. This book is a significant and timely contribution to contemporary research that probes what it means to be ‘physically educated’. The ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘status’ boundaries are provoked. Local and global discourses, models and influences are explored and the challenge is set to take up a holistic approach to quality physical education that explicitly integrates wellbeing and health intentions in policy and more importantly, in practice.” —Associate Professor Maree Dinan-Thompson, Health and Physical Education Curriculum Advisor, Australia and James Cook University, Australia “The author has two and a half decades of teaching experience in physical education and wellbeing, working with students across four different continents. He uses his vast research background and practical experiences to conduct global qualitative evidence-based research. This book offers an extensive and authoritative examination of how the physical dimension of learning positively impacts children’s health and wellbeing. A must read for all teachers—classroom and specialists.” —Professor Gregory J. Soukup, Sr., Kinesiology Department Director, University of the Incarnate Word, USA “This book provides a pertinent overview of primary physical education (PE) today. Current provision, deeply rooted behavioural theories and approaches to PE are discussed to provide a platform for readers, followed by a hearty rationale for adopting a sociocultural approach. A must read for students and practicing teachers to understand PE theories, approaches, history, global perspectives and policies, and the need for a holistic PE programme focussed on child well-being rather than healthist perspectives.” —Dr. Shrehan Lynch, The University of East London, UK “This book is both relevant and timely, and helps explain why well-resourced physical education in primary school delivered by pedagogical skilled and content mastery physical educators is vital to ensuring young people receive the quality physical education that sets them up for a lifetime of physical activity and healthy living.” —Associate Professor Shane Pill, Flinders University, Australia “All community and school leaders, teachers and parents need to touch base with this latest research and Tim’s expertise. This book provides the practical insight for us all to move from ‘talking the talk’ to ‘walking the walk’ and is a must read for all educators who want to make a difference to the future wellbeing of our children.” —Kathy Wood M.B.E., AF
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