La Chimie Macromoléculaire—4 / Macromolecular Chemistry—4: Conférences Plénières Et Principales Présentées Au Symposium International De Chimie Macromoléculaire à Bruxelles—louvain, Belgique 12–16 Juin 1967 / Plenary And Main Lectures Presented At The International Symposium On Macromolecular Chemistry Held In Brussels—louvain, Belgium 12–16 June 1967

E-Book Content

Plenary and Main Lectures presented at the INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY Coriferences ptenieres et principales presentees au SYMPOSIUM INTERNATIONAL DE CHIMIE MACROMOLECULAIRE UNION INTERNATIONALE DE CHIMIE PURE ET APPLIQUEE DIVISION DE CHIMIE PHYSIQUE COMMISSION DE CHIMIE MACROMOLECULAIRE et FEDERATION DES INDUSTRIES CHIMIQUES DE BELGIQUE LA CHIMIE , MACROMOLECULAIRE-4 Cotiferences ptenieres et principales presentees au SYMPOSIUM INTERNATIONAL DE CHIMIE MACROMOLECULAIRE aBruxelles-Louvain, Belgique 12-16juin 1967 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY DIVISION OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY COMMISSION ON MACROMOLECULES in conjunction with BELGIAN ASSOCIATION OF CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY-4 Plenary and Main Lectures presented at the INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY held in Brussels-Louvain, Belgium 12-16 june 1967 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC First published by Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd. The contents of this book appear in Pure and Applied Chemistry, Voi. 16. Nos. 2-3 (1968) The book contains an additional chapter, pp. i-xxvi Suggested U.D.C. number: 541·64 Suggested additional number: 542·952 Library rif Congress Catalog Gard Number 68-54464 ISBN 978-1-4899-6201-0 ISBN 978-1-4899-6407-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4899-6407-6 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 1968. Originally published by International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry in 1968. Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1968 PLENARY LECTURES Synthetic polymers in the medical sciences-H. F. MARK (U.S.A.) 201 Thermodynamic treatment of membrane transport-A. KATCHALSKY (Israel) 229 Some fundamental aspects of polymer reactions-IcHIRO SAKURADA (Japan) 263 New methods ofpolymerization-C. E. H. BAWN (U.K.) 285 Structure of polymer molecules and super-molecular structuresV. A. KARGIN (U.S.S.R.) 303 MAIN LECTURES Ion-exchange membranes-Correlation between structure and function-HARRY P. GREGOR (U.S.A.) 329 Thermally stable polymers-CARL S. MARVEL (U.S.A.) 351 Infrared spectroscopy and polymer structure-S. KRIMM (U.S.A.) 369 Polymer degradation and electron spin resonance spectroscopyN. GRASSIE (U.K.) 389 Syntheses et structures nouvelles de polymeres-PAUL REMPP (France) 403 Nuclear magnetic resonance and optical studies of polypeptide chain conformation-F. A. BovEY (U.S.A.) 417 On new chemical reactions of polymers-ROLF C. ScHULZ (Germany) 433 Cationic polymerization of IX,,B-di-substituted olefins-A. MIZOTE, T. HIGASHIMURA and S. OKAMURA (Japan) 457 Optical activity and optical rotatory dispersion in synthetic polymers -P. PINo, P. SALVADORI, E. CHIELLINI and P. L. Luisi (Italy) 469 Advances and trends in the chemistry of polymers with a conjugated system-A. A. BERLIN (U.S.S.R.) i-xxvi v SYNTHETIC POLYMERS IN THE MEDICAL SCIENCES H. F. MARK Polytechnic Institute ofBrooklyn, New York, U.S.A. 1. INTRODUCTION By far the most widespread and important use of synthetic organic polymers was stimulated by their attractive mechanical, thermal, electrical and optical properties. They invaded, and now dominate, the large and important industries which produce textiles, packaging materials, plastics, rubbers, electronic devices, coatings, adhesives and medical appliances and many thousand scientists are now engaged in stabilizing and upgrading the performance of synthetic polymers in connect
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