100 Cents

E-Book Overview

Words have power to inspire us or do otherwise in this life; yes, words can make or break us. 100 Cents is a book good for meditation. It has the RSM [Read, Study and Meditate] value. There may just be two words in this book that will raise your spirit or influence your thought.

E-Book Content

100 Cents By Dickson Olabiyi ADELUSI ©Dickson Olabiyi Adelusi 2018 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below. Plot 20 Road C, Behind Olufoam, Akure Ondo State – Nigeria email: [email protected] Ordering Information: Quantity sales. Special discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, and others. For details, contact the publisher at the address above. This e-book is an authorized free edition from www.obooko.com Dedication This work is dedicated to all wise people thriving in life. INTRODUCTION Words have power to inspire us or do otherwise in this life; yes, words can make or break us. 100 Cents is a book good for meditation. It has the RSM [Read, Study and Meditate] value. There may just be two words in this book that will raise your spirit or influence your thought. This book has 100 select words from the author Dickson O. Adelusi. There is no plagiarism in this book and feel free to use the words for any purpose you want but ensure to refer to the author as Dickson Olabiyi Adelusi. Cent 1 Thoughts are things. Living things. Cent 2 Strong person is not always strong weapons but it is always strong mind. Cent 3 Human mind is versatile; it works best when it is free. Cent 4 The company you keep and the information you gather in your mind now will shape your future. Cent 5 Your five sense organs are the tools that gathers information for your mind. Cent 6 Change the kinds of information on your mind and watch your life change. Cent 7 As brain is to your body so is your mind to your soul. Cent 8 Use your mind to generate internal positive energy and radiate them. Cent 9 Everyone is a hero in their imaginations but not the depressed and not the sadist. Cent 10 Don’t fix yourself to be either introvert or extrovert, allow your mood to swing freely. Cent 11 The world is full of chaos; establish your inner peace and share it with your environment. Cent 12 Intelligence is not wisdom. Cent 13 A wise man learns from others; the fool thinks that he is all sufficient. Cent 14 Don’t say stupid things and don’t crack jokes if you are not funny. Cent 15 Wisdom is better than crude oil and good name is better than shekel. Great people leave their names behind for unborn generations. Cent 16 It takes wisdom to recognize a wise person but the foolish cannot discern a fool. Cent 17 Humility is a skill; wisdom is the trainer. Cent 18 A fool insults the king while the foolish fights the government. Cent 19 Science and scientists are foolish to say there is no God. Special apologies to science. Cent 20 Heal from hate; no matter how small it is, it will consume you like fire. Cent 21 The soul of a wicked man is doomed; his children shall inherit his curse. Cent 22 It is better to be foolish tha
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