Offline: Free Your Mind From Smartphone And Social Media Stress

E-Book Overview

Authors Imran Rashid and Soren Kenner have sparked an international debate by revealing the “mind hacks” Facebook, Apple, Google, and Instagram use to get you and your children hooked on their products. In Offline, they deliver an eye-opening research-based journey into the world of tech giants, smartphones, social engineering, and subconscious manipulation. This provocative work shows you how digital devices change individuals and communities for better and worse. A must-read if you or your kids use smartphones or tablets and spend time browsing social networks, playing online games or even just browsing sites with news and entertainment. Learn how to recognize ‘mind hacks’ and avoid the potentially disastrous side-effects of digital pollution. Unplug from the matrix. Learn digital habits that work for you.

E-Book Content

“OFFLINE presents an insightful and convincing argument for the need for humans and societies to protect the most valuable resource of our time: attention.” Jens Hjorth-Larsen, Consultant, 29 years, no kids. “Crazy that it’s only when you change your bad habits and lifestyle that you realize how little you lived life before.” Mette Stryhn, CEO and Mother of three. “An amazing, easily understandable book, providing both a significant eyeopener for your own behavior and a tangible help for a healthier digital life.” Kim Sylvestersen, Section Manager, Father of one. “What an eyeopener! Taught me how to get a healthier relationship with my smartphone.” Anders Røpke, Wind Power Lab CEO and Father of two. “If your children use smartphones, you need to read this book!” Teresa Egballe, Municipal Manager and Mother of three “Required reading for any parent with smartphone-kids.” Søren H. Mohr, CEO, Father of two. “Is your phone in control of your life? Read this book and find out!” Niklas Laugesen, CEO at Napp. “Made a huge impact on me and I’m grateful that I got the message.” Lotte Thor Høgsbjerg, Founder SPIB media, Mother of two. “Wow! I had no idea about how powerful these brain-hacks are. Must read!” Tone Folkedal, GP, Mother of two. “What a well written wake-up-call! Now I understand why it has been so hard to get away from my smartphone. Thanks!” –– Sarah Thorngreen Auken, Mother of two and parish priest. “Shows you how to get the most out of being online without being sucked into wasting your time. Great for families with kids.” Maria von Würden, Registered nurse, Mother of two. “My two kids change their behavior if they spend too much time online. Now I understand why and have set easy to follow rules for how and when they are online” Charlotte Just Nielsen, Selfemployed and Mother of two. “Wow. What a wake up call. Today I recommended this book to my patients and have become much more aware of how my own family uses smartphones and ipads.” Michael Hejmadi, MD, GP and Father of two. “Canned social recognition. What a sharp insight. This book is a must-read! Our public sector and kids need to be made more aware!” Mette Ernlund, PhD and Mother of two. “Loved the book and the theories – almost felt guilty reading as an ebook on my smartphone . . . .” Jens Balle, Sales Rep. and Father of three. “Learn how to get the online world to work for you without being tricked and trapped into its addictive design. Recommended reading.” Amira Saric, CSR-specialist and Mother of three. “Thought provoking. Made me put my phone away and start prioritizing what’s important for me and my family”. Kasper Mortensen, Prepress Technician and Father of three. Offline Free Your Mind from Smartphone and Social Media Stress Imran Rashid Soren Kenner This edition first published 2019 © 2019 Imran Rashid and Gerald Soren Kenner Registered office John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, United Kingdom For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services and
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