A Parent’s Guide To Preventing Homosexuality

E-Book Overview

Homosexuality: is it learned, biological or both? The answer to this question deeply concerns parents. They want to know how they can best raise their children. A common belief today is that nothing can be done to foster the development of healthy heterosexual orientation in children. But the clinical experience and professional research of Dr. Nicolosi and others indicates otherwise. In this groundbreaking book Joseph and Linda Ames Nicolosi uncover the most significant factors that contribute to a child's healthy sense of self as male or female. Listening to moving recollections from ex-homosexual men and women who describe what was missing in their own childhoods, the Nicolosis provide clear insight for identifying potential developmental roadblocks and give practical advice to parents for helping their children securely identify with their gender. Replete with personal stories from parents, children and ex-homosexual strugglers, offers compassion and hope for all those parents who seek to lay a foundation for a healthy heterosexual identity in their children.

E-Book Content

What Other Mental Health Professionals Are Saying About A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality “Every concerned parent will benefit from this practical parenting advice on how to help a child develop a secure gender identity that leads to a normal heterosexual orientation in adulthood. “Dr. Nicolosi is an internationally recognized professional expert on therapies that promote normal heterosexual adjustment. He is known for his long-standing leadership in a key professional association that applies scientific findings to psychosexual adjustment. But his breadth of technical scientific knowledge is combined with years of extensive clinical experience helping everyday people. “This combination has enabled Dr. Nicolosi to explain psychological research findings to parents in a very practical way. His book provides clear guidance on what parents can do to promote their child’s sexual adjustment.” – GEORGE A. REKERS, PH.D., professor of neuropsychiatry and behavior science, and staff teaching psychologist, Child Inpatient Unit, Hall Psychiatric Institute “Utilizing an eclectic form of psychotherapy based on psychoanalytic principles, Dr. Nicolosi has shown how homosexual impulses and enactments can be modified or, in some instances, removed. This gives hope to parents of gender-disturbed children who have previously succumbed to despair. “There are numerous clinical vignettes throughout the book presented in a highly readable and scientific manner. I most heartily recommend it.” – CHARLES W. SOCARIDES, M. D., former clinical professor of psychiatry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center, New York, and fellow, American Psychiatric Association “To get to [the issue of sexual-identity disorder and what can be done to help], we will turn to the very best resource for parents and teachers I have found. It is provided in an outstanding book titled A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality, written by clinical psychologist Joseph Nicolosi, Ph.D. “Dr. Nicolosi is, I believe, the foremost authority on the prevention and treatment of homosexuality today. This book offers practical advice and a clear-eyed perspective on the antecedents of homosexuality. I wish every parent would read it, especially those who have reason to be concerned about their sons. Its purpose is not to condemn but to educate and encourage moms and dads.” – JAMES DOBSON, author of Bringing Up Boys: Practical Advice and Encouragement for Those Shaping the Next Generation of Men “In A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality, based on his many years of specialization, Dr. Nicolosi has translated the vocabulary of research science into plain English, easily understandable to the lay public. Though the book is primarily oriented to the needs
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