Handbook Of Space Astronomy & Astrophysics

E-Book Overview

This handbook for graduate students, technicians and researchers working in space astronomy has been updated and revised and new features have been added. It presents new information in tables, graphs and formulas and assembles scattered primary literature in one volume.

E-Book Content

Table of Contents of Zombeck's Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics Cambridge University Press Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics Second Edition by Martin V. Zombeck TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface........................................ vii 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 General data.....................................1 Astronomy and astrophysics......................23 Radio astronomy................................141 Infrared astronomy.............................159 Ultraviolet astronomy..........................167 X-ray astronomy................................183 Gamma-ray astronomy............................211 Cosmic rays....................................219 Earth's atmosphere and environment.............231 Relativity.....................................245 Atomic physics.................................255 Electromagnetic radiation......................267 Plasma physics.................................283 Experimental astronomy and astrophysics........289 Aeronautics and astronautics...................379 Mathematics....................................395 Statistics.....................................407 Radiation safety...............................417 Astronomical Catalogs..........................423 Astronomical Software...........................431 Index..........................................433 file:///C|/TEMP/Handbook%20of%20Space%20Astronomy%20...ysics%202nd%20Ed--Zombeck-p440--scan!!!/Contents.htm (1 of 2)2004-08-17 04:59:12 Chapter 1 General data Fundamental physical constants (SI) Fundamental physical constants (c.g.s.) Sun-Earth system constants Cosmological data Unit conversions Conversion tables Numerical constants Mathematical formulae Elementary particles (short list) Elementary particles Energy conversions Prefixes and symbols Periodic table of the elements Greek alphabet Bibliography O Cambridge University Press Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System Fundamental physical constants (SI) (1986 recommended values of the fundamental physical constants. The digits in parentheses are the one-standai-d-deviation uncertainty in the last digits of the given value.) .- Quantity Symbol Value Units Relative uncertainty (ppm) G E N E R A L CONSTANTS UNIVERSAL C O N S T A N T S speed of light in vacuum permeability of vacuum permittivity of vacuum Newtonian constant of gravitation Planck constant in electron volts, h/{e} h/2 in electron volts, tf/(e) Planck mass, (hc/G)' Planck length, h/mpc = ( h ~ l c ~ ) ~ Planck time, l,/c = (h~/c')$ ELECTROMAGNETIC CONSTANTS elementary charge magnetic flux quantum, h/2e Josephson frequency-voltage ratio quantized Hall conductance quantized Hall resistance, h/e2 = $poc/a (exact) (exact) (exact) 128 0.60 0.30 0.60 0.30 64 64 64 N y a s r:Y >sasg> :8 ~g" ' zxEs m3; .I + $ 8 . e -0 4 0 5 % $ V) 24 5?%c 324 O Cambridge University Press Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System Fundamental physical constants (SI) (cont.) Relative uncertainty (PP~) .Quantity electron specific charge electron molar mass Compton wavelength, h/mec ;1,/2n: = aa, = a 2 / 4 n ~ , classical electron radius, a 2a, Thomson cross-section, (8n/3)r: electron magnetic moment in Bohr magnetons in nuclear magnetons electron magnetic moment anomaly, ,ue/p, - 1 electron g-factor, 2(1+ a,) electron-muon magnetic moment ratio electron-proton magnetic moment ratio
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