Introduction To Teaching Physical Education With Online Student Resource: Principles And Strategies

E-Book Overview

Introduction to Teaching Physical Education: Principles and Strategiesis the perfect initiation for undergrads planning to become teachers. The text provides them with a solid background on the physical education field along with the ins and outs they need to know to become successful K-12 professionals. No other introductory text so successfully blends the theoretical, practical, and inspirational aspects of teaching physical education, combining authoritative information with a highly engaging style. This practical, student-friendly text helps students build a strong base of instructional skills as they learn to apply the principles of teaching physical education. In addition to focusing on teaching skills, they will explore the history of physical education, including the two main systems that served as the profession's foundation, and they will learn the purpose of physical education and the standards that are in place to achieve that purpose. They also will examine teaching scope and sequence, teaching and nonteaching duties and issues, motivational theories and strategies, and principles of behavior management and safeguards. Additionally, students delve into lesson planning, assessment options, technology and online resources, and careers in the field. Introduction to Teaching Physical Educationwill open students' eyes to the practicalities and realities of the profession. And it comes with several features that will make your job easier: - Sidebars that explicate main concepts to enhance student understanding - An online study resource offering case studies, worksheets that heighten understanding of content and focus on specific skill elements, and blank lesson plan templates - An instructor guide that supplies chapter overviews, discussion questions, lesson ideas, extended learning activities, test and quiz bank questions, and chapter-by-chapter PowerPoint outlines This hands-on resource offers students a wealth of real-world exercises to enhance their learning experience and prepare them to enter the teaching profession. It enables students to gain the knowledge and skills they need as they pursue their entry into the teaching profession, and it provides them with the ideal springboard to advance in their coursework.

E-Book Content

HUMAN KINETICS ONLINE STUDENT RESOURCE Check out the online student resource! You will notice a reference throughout the Kindle version of Introduction to Teaching Physical Education to an online student resource (OSR). This resource is available to supplement your e-book. The online student resource offers case studies, worksheets, and templates that supplement the material found in the text. Key terms and chapter overviews refresh knowledge as students prepare for quizzes or tests. In the OSR, students will also find a list of web links to various professional physical education organizations and physical education and activity programs, information on teaching, and equipment company distributors. Follow these steps to purchase access to the online student resource: 1. Visit 2. Click the Add to Cart button and complete the purchase process. 3. After you have successfully completed your purchase, visit the textbook’s website at 4. Click the first edition link next to the corresponding first edition book cover. 5. Click the Sign In link on the left or top of the page and enter the e-mail address and password that you used during the purchase process. Once you sign in, your online product will appear in the Ancillary Items box. Click on the title of the online student resource to access it. All you need to do to access your online student resource on subsequent visits is sign in to
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