Adapted Physical Education And Sport

E-Book Overview

The field of adapted physical education and sport has undergone numerous changes in recent years. This new edition ofAdapted Physical Education and Sportwill help you stay on top of those changes and, in doing so, provide the highest-quality physical education and sport opportunities for students with disabilities. NEW MATERIAL The sixth edition of this well-loved text builds on its successful previous editions and is replete with changes that are current with today's trends and practices in the field: - As the inclusion movement continues to expand, the authors have revised several chapters to detailrelevant inclusion practices and applicationsin both physical education and sport, helping to integrate students with disabilities into regular class and sport settings with guidelines for modifying activities. - The chapter on adapted sport is further developed tocommunicate and reflect on progress in the fieldand includes a Sport Framework for Individuals with Disabilities model to help develop and implement sport programs. - The book gives attention to therevised Brockport Physical Fitness Test, and the accompanying web resource offers video clips that explain and demonstrate the criterion-referenced health-related tests that are applicable to many students with disabilities. - Advances and applications pertaining tobehavior managementandwheelchair sport performanceare covered in various chapters. - The authors address the use ofnew technologyas it relates to teaching and administration for adapted physical education and explore stand-alone apps that can be used in conjunction with the book that are useful in behavior management, fitness development, communication, social interaction, and physical education activities. - The authors give increased attention to the problem ofobesity, particularly relevant to students with disabilities. - Manynew authors and a coeditorhave been brought on board, bringing fresh perspectives to the book and adding to the depth of experience provided by the returning authors and editor. These additions helpAdapted Physical Education and Sportmaintain its reputation as acomprehensive, user-friendly textthat helps teachers provide top-quality services to people with unique physical education needs. Greatly influenced by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, this book helps in identifying the unique needs of students and developing physical education programs, including individualized education programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities, that are consistent with current federal legislation. STRONG ANCILLARIES The text is augmented by its ancillaries, which include aninstructor guide, test package, presentation package,andweb resource with video. Theinstructor guideoffers chapter objectives, additional resources, and learning and enrichment activities that will help students master the content and extend their knowledge. Thetest packagehelps in building custom tests using hundreds of test questions and answers. You will find hundreds of PowerPoint slides that reinforce the text's key points in thepresentation package, and theweb resourceincludes 26 videos of the new Brockport Physical Fitness Test in action as well as several reproducibles from the book. DEEPENED UNDERSTANDING The authors, renowned authorities in their fields, use real-life scenarios to introduce chapter concepts and then show how to apply the concepts in solving issues. The text will help deepen understanding of the implications of disabilities for people through age 21 (though much of the book is relevant in the entire life span). It grounds readers in the foundational topics for adapted physical education and sport, explores the developmental
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