Db Nutrition Guide

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I NCLUDE S MENU PLAN AN D E ASY TO PR E PA R E R E C IP E S Nutrition Guide A guide created to help you develop balanced, sustainable and healthy eating habits to achieve your fitness goals. Contents Disclaimer 3 Overview 4 General Nutrition 5 Menu Plans 7 General Menu – Weekday 8 Vegan Menu - Weekday 9 Weekend Menus – General & Vegan 10 Menu Notes 11 Menu Planning 11 Gluten Free Diets 12 Lactose Free Diet 12 Pescetarians, Pollotarian and Lacto Ovo Vegetarians 12 Vegans 13 Protein 14 Portions And Meal Planning 14 Recipes 18 Breakfast 19 Lunch 27 Dinner 31 Snacks 39 Dessert 44 Diet & Nutrition FAQs Thank You 49 50 3 INTRODUCTION Disclaimer This is not an extensive or individually tailored program. If you have specific dietary requirements outside of that which is addressed in the program we recommend seeking professional advice. This guide should not be relied on as a sole source of information. Information contained within this program is intended to be a basic guideline for a broad-spectrum audience. Any specific medical or dietary questions and concerns should be addressed by a medical expert. This Nutrition guide is the collaborative work of Danielle Robertson and Alison Verbruggen ND, Nutritionist. Alison Verbruggen is a Naturopath, Kinesiologist, Health Educator specializing in emotional disorders and anxiety, treating body mind and spirit for positive health outcomes. She uses nutrition, energy healing and emotional stress release to nourish the body, calm the mind and improve health in general. Back to Contents Dannibelle Nutrition Guide 4 INTRODUCTION Overview Good nutrition and following a healthy, well balanced diet is an important aspect in achieving your health and fitness goals. It can be difficult to know what food to eat, what meals to prepare and how to structure your diet around your busy schedule. We’ve put together this nutrition program to offer some guidance and provide a basic foundation for developing and maintaining healthy eating habits. This nutrition program includes a weekly meal plan, catering to general, vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free dietary requirements. Where possible we have provided alternatives and further information in the menu notes section. Recipes have been provided for various meals in the meal plan, but feel free to get creative and change recipes/meals to suit your personal preference. At the end of the guide we have also provided a FAQ, addressing commonly asked questions in relation to nutrition and diet. Back to Contents Dannibelle Nutrition Guide 5 INTRODUCTION General Nutrition A healthy, well balanced diet is an important factor in achieving your health and fitness goals. To put it simply, eating well means enjoying a variety of healthy food, in portions that are appropriate for your age, size, gender and level of daily physical activity. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition and it is recommended that you seek advice from your general practitioner or other qualified health professional for individual nutrition advice. Basically, you require a balanced diet based on your genetics, therefore the following information has not been individually tailored and is provided as a general nutrition and healthy eating
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