
E-Book Overview

A complete guide to mind control seduction written by a student of RUET named Jarir Ahmed from Bangladesh. In this book, he explained mind control techniques that can help you to seduce any woman.

E-Book Content

Jarir’s Overkill Method (2019) Introduction: Hi, this is Jarir Ahmed, a CSE Student of RUET. I know the condition of boys who are getting pissed off by girls and are helpless. You feel nervous, unconfident, powerless when talking a girl…Your girl leaves you for other guys…What should be done?? You can say by born you are a man so you have some by born qualities to seduce women…As a man you have already some qualities to attract women ,to love them and continue relationships.. Now you may make mistakes and she leaves you for another guy… You get screwed up and feel helpless… But I will teach you something that will help you to mirror her attacks and she will feel like fucked up without having sex with you. It’s your choice either you will keep her with you or kick her ass and get another one. This is the first Bangladeshi seduction method based on psychological mind control techniques. Warning: Knowledge is available all the time like knives are available all the time. It’s not a knife makers fault if someone uses it to kill an innocent person rather it’s the killer’s fault. Similarly, it’s not my fault if you use these psychological methods to harm any innocent woman. Because it’s a natural tendency inside you and you know knowledge is available. There are alternatives to this book’s knowledge. So I am not responsible anyway. You are warned that the material contained in this book presents powerful technology which is for all the good purposes only. It is to be used at your own risk… The author and the publisher of this book disclaim any responsibility for damages from the use of the techniques contained in this book. And it’s all your fault how many woman you hurt using my knowledge or all your credit if you become successful with one woman. ***Conditions before approaching a woman: Eight Preconditions: Before you approach or text any woman, remember the eight conditions if you don’t want to get rejected or friend zoned. 1. You must conceal your intentions until the manipulation is complete. Hiding your intentions from your target is the most powerful form of domination. 2. The female mind is hard wired to reject overt advances from males. Never be overt. 3. If you want to possess a woman this is what you do master the overkill method. 4. It is your choice to be serious with her or play with her. But act serious throughout the relationship and be serious in every steps until you get what you want. Then if you need to breakup, breakup or if you are serious stay in the relationship. Remember four proverbs that will help you: A. The best prove itself in the long. B. The most expert person start at last. C. One swallow doesn’t make a summer. D. Every dog has his day. 5. Making people emotional but staying myself in an unaffected state by emotions is just like throwing muds at others but no muds stuck in my hands. (Jarir’s Emotional Rule) 6. Remember, “Emotion wins over logic every time.” To make a girl fall in love with you, make her emotionally weak for you. Never use logic. 7. Accept yourself as a manipulator, not a seducer. You are manipulating a woman, not seducing her. 8. Don’t tell her you have psychological knowledge. Let her understand that you are natural, not fake. Ten Important Conditions: The ten most important (actually, ESSENTIAL) belief you must have is the belief that YOU are the PRIZE when dealing with women. Believe that BEING WITH YOU IS THE BEST CHOICE THAT A WOMAN CAN MAKE. When you adopt this belief, all your other beliefs about dealing with women fall into place naturally. When YOU adopt the belief that you're the prize, you communicate it automatically through your w
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