E-Book Overview
It has seemed at times that there is no neutral territory between those who see Bakhtin as the practitioner of a kind of neo-Marxist, or at least materialist, deconstruction and those who look at the same texts and see a defender of traditional, liberal humanist values and classical conceptions of order, a conservative in the true sense of the term. Arising from a conference under the same title held at Texas Tech University, Carnivalizing Difference seeks to explore the actual and possible relationships between Bakhtinian theory and cultural practice. The introduction explores the changing configurations of our understanding of Bakhtin's work in the context of recent theory and outlines how that understanding can inform, and be informed by, culture both ancient and modern. Eleven articles, spanning a wide range of periods and cultural forms, then address these issues in detail, revealing the ways in which Bakhtinian thought illuminates, sometimes obfuscates, but always challenges.
E-Book Content
STUDIES IN RUSSIAN AND EUROPEAN LITERATURE ROUTLEDGE HARWOOD A series edited by Peter I. Bana Universi ty of Surrey �d Dadd Sh�p"�rd
University of Sheffield Edt i orial Board
Patricia Brodsky, Vni"ersir)" of Missouri ar Kansas Ciry Pamela Davidson. Universil}, of Ltmdoll
Galya Diment. Vnivusiry of WashillglUn. Seal/Ie John Elsworth. Un;"usiry of Manchester Julian Graffy, Vlliver.,ir}" of Lolldon
Joan Grossman. Uni,'usiry of Clllifomia. Berkele)" Lindsey Hughes. U I/iursir)' of Lolldoll Vy3Chc:�lav Ivanov. Moscow Stale VIlil'usily and UIII\·er.•iry of California UI Los Angeles
Michael Katz. Universit)' of THas ar AUSlin Catriona Kelly. Vnil"('f.•il), of Oxford
Roger Keys. Uniw·nif}' of SI Anduws, Seollmrd William Lcatherbarrow. U"iI'ersiry of Sheffield Arnold McMillin. U";"ersi1)" of London
Bemice GlalU"r Rosenthal, Fordham U";l"ersiry. BralU, N� York Volume I Russi an Literature and the Classics Ediled by Peler I. &na. Dul"id H.J. Ltlmrm.r. and Paul Allnr Mille'r Volume 2 ••
The Contexts of Bakhtin: Philosophy, Authorship. Aestbetics Ediled by David Shepherd Volume 3 Reconstructing the Canon: Russian Writing in tile 198(k Ediled by Arnold McMillin Volume 4 lurll Dombrovskii: Freedom Under Totalitarianism Peter Do)"le Volume 5 Gender and .sexuality in Russian Civilisation Edited by Petu I. Bana
VNIVnSITY OF Suu.l;v, GuilDfOl.D, UK
CHAltlEs)/LAna:. ( lINlVEISIr.f Of Geo�. USA """ DAYID SHEPHERD
UNIVflStrf Of $1ft!ff1tLD. UK
First published 2001
II New Feucr Lane. London EC4P 4EE by Routledge
Simultaneously published in
the USA and Cllllada
29 West 35th StreeL Ncw York. NY 10001 by Routledge
RUllllfag.· is /111 impril1l o/liIe Taylor & Ffli/lcis GrollI'
02001 Taylor & Fr�ncis Booh Ltd
Typeset by Expo Holdings. Malaysi a Printed and bound in Great Britain by MPG Books Ltd. Bodmin
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Introduction to the Series
Transliteration and Translation
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Lib rary
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Peter l. Barra el (II.................... .
Alienated Couples in Euripidean Tragedy: A Bakhtinian Analysis . ............... 2